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Posted by chaostrom, Mar 9, 2011 at 12:01 am
Or even just looking at the thread.
Posted by chaostrom, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:55 pm
They are worth having around nevertheless. A full heal in the midst of combat is nothing to scoff at.
Posted by chaostrom, Mar 6, 2011 at 9:03 pm
Two rings do give more protection than one.

Invisible stalkers, for one. Also any stupid things that get invisibility thanks to a spellcaster on that level.

Life saving does restore your limbs upon activation.
Posted by chaostrom, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:54 pm
Azhael, the master guard is pretty tough as well. Maybe not on par with the archangel, but close. I've also unleashed hell on Attnam once only to have the smith as the sole survivor, don't underestimate him. Of the service providers he's second only to Merka.
Posted by chaostrom, Mar 5, 2011 at 12:36 am
No, if you only saw 4 of them that wasn't it. Izzy is more than a match for any handful of mages, but the reason the mage room is so dangerous is because there's about 20 of the bastards in there and through sheer numbers they can cast more than Izzy. It's also locked with an octiron door, so there's no chance in hell you're getting in without being hit by 100 spells. You did good in taking out the mages first on Oree's level though.
Posted by chaostrom, Mar 4, 2011 at 10:58 pm
Indeed. Now, judging from your death, I presume you ran past the mage/golem room and didn't deal with the mages on Oree's level first?
Posted by chaostrom, Mar 4, 2011 at 10:55 pm
I know you were talking about the spawns.

Also on the MMs, you'd want to be powerful enough to kill Petrus, and if you are, it's just a matter of playing smart to kill the guards and angels. Unless you have gas immunity, the MMs would screw you over as well.
Posted by chaostrom, Mar 4, 2011 at 7:07 am
Nope, won't work. Jenny can't even take on NA, and that's one of the easier places by far. That should have occurred to you since she is the first boss and the weakest of the named beings.

Also MMs have no chance in hell of killing Petrus.
Posted by chaostrom, Mar 3, 2011 at 6:56 pm
The armour of great health increases your endurance, which in turn raises your HP and does in fact allow your torso to take more damage. However it also raises the danger level and it's not the greatest of armours to begin with, not to mention the fact that if you come across something really tough and your armour gets torn, your HP boost is gone.
Posted by chaostrom, Mar 2, 2011 at 9:53 pm
1. Is covered fairly comprehensively, especially by Slob, but you've got the right idea.

2. It's not just 1, there's a formula for it, but I don't remember it.

3. Secret rooms will always have traps. Search for iron, that'll reveal every mine there is. They'll often have octiron beartraps too, though sometimes it's mithril or adamant.

4. If they have a "Consume valuables" you can turn that on and drop a potion nearby. Make sure to turn it back off though.

5. Unfortunately there isn't. You can mix it up with poisons and acids to counter-act the healing, but the best way is just plain don't break 'em. You'll be wanting to transfer useful fluids into empty cans to preserve them.

6. Strongboxes are the best, but they also holds the least. If you have good enough protection regular chests should be good enough though.

7. Izzy is one bad mofo. There's a reason you haven't seen him yet, and believe me, you don't want to. I've once set him loose in Attnam using wizard mode and he wiped out the entire town on his own, something Sherry has difficulty accomplishing. *Hint: never generate a level while polymorphed into a tank (bears, golems, etc)*

8. If you think secret rooms are good, Atavus is even better! Of course, he rarely provides, but the gods around him are useful enough that you want to pray to him too. As to usefulness, they all have value depending on your playing style.

9. Crystal walls, narrow corridors, lots of nasty spawns! Somewhere down there is a mage/golem room. Beware.

10. No idea. I've once had that problem myself. If he doesn't follow you, there's no helping it. Unless you really want him to come along, then I suppose you can try polymorphing him.