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Posted by chaostrom, Nov 8, 2014 at 3:30 pm
4zb4 wrote
It doesn't really matter that it teleports stuff randomly, given you have all the time in the world to wait for it to grab what you need. As Pent's screenshot shows that allows you to also drain the shops of all their money so that's basically a more complex library exploit.
With all the time in the world you can empty their gold reserves with lanterns too. I wouldn't call that an exploit.

Batman? wrote
there are two of them, odds are one of them has a wish.
I am well aware that there are two lamps. More often than not they're both duds. At least in my experience, and I have quite a bit of WM experience with various shenanigans (one such includes a hedgehog run, in which I attempted to let my spikes do all the killing).
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 6, 2014 at 6:56 pm
I did. Problem is, it floats about randomly and teleports stuff randomly, so it's not really all that much of an exploit. Besides, quite often the lamps in the cathedral are duds.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 15, 2014 at 12:01 am
I rather like this idea. Having said that, how are you going to present the information? The text box isn't really suitable.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:45 pm
I'm pretty sure I brought that up once before. It's my favourite way to win the sumo fight in WM. Plant big mine, break wand of teleport, wait for results. Once resulted in a headless, armless and legless tourist somehow alive and rolling.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 7, 2014 at 10:00 pm
4zb4 wrote
Instead of applying a "super slow" to them, we could instead make use of the game's beartrap/sticky tile code that traps one of the enemy's limbs and one of your free arms to hold them (and you) in place. This also makes the limb you grabbed and your arm unusable.

This works doubly well because the code for beartraps supports breaking out of them, just as an enemy could break free from your grasp and leg it.
Or perhaps if poweful/fast enough, just run off with your arm still attached...

4zb4 wrote
we could instead make use of the game's beartrap/sticky tile code

4zb4 wrote

Grappling limbs off of enemies. Why has no-one thought of that before
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 4, 2014 at 10:06 pm
4zb4 wrote
I like this idea a lot, the problem here is that you could abuse the hell out of that while the amulet still exists. For example, you could assure victory in the sumo arena, or even beat Petrus while under its effects, sit on the throne and become the world's shortest reigning high priest.

Of course in most situations the most that's going to happen is you're going to sit there while whatever nasty monster came along lops all your limbs off and leaves you to wait for the amulet to expire while being nothing more than a bloody mess on the floor. Even if we make the amulet prevent limb loss, they'd still become disabled from having no HP, and if that includes your head you'd be completely ass out of offensive options.

Given that:
1. You got to find it first
2. You need to get to town before it disappears on you
3. You don't know when it'll disappear on you
I'd say you can chalk it up to good luck. It's not all that broken.

Secondly, yeah, having no options is no good, that's just prolonging a game over and that's not a good item. We'll have to somehow prevent limb loss and incapacitation via HP loss while under the effects of the AoRD.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 4, 2014 at 6:07 am
Ernomouse wrote
So a better idea: Amulet of resist death could work as a life extension: If you die, you sort of don't die... Until you take the amulet off. After a while the amulet burns, and if you forgot to heal, you die.
Or maybe: In the event of death, you won't die in another few minutes, during which you're practically immortal... But when those minutes are up, you'll die. It should be extremely hard to cancel the death!

Zayre wrote
I'd definitely say bring you back to life in some sort of crippled state. Could resurrect you with your body parts all black, unconscious; and force you to heal to at least a semi-fighting state.

Pent wrote
The problem I have with this is that it's basically a less reliable AoLS, which is kind of dull.

New idea.

Unlike AoLS, which brings you back to pristine condition then disappears in the case of death, AoRD let's you take hit... after hit... after hit... after hit... after hit... your HP is going in the negatives, but you're still alive and kicking somehow. The problem? Every AoRD you'll ever find is a copy, like that valpurium flaming sword. It's awesome while you have it, but there's no telling when it'll *poof* on you. The moment it disappears on you, you better damn hope your HP isn't in the negatives, because if any part of your body has HP in the negatives, it'll spontaneously shred itself as the amulet disappears. Which could mean instant death if that's your head, torso or groin.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 2, 2014 at 10:59 pm
I dunno. Since there isn't any instant death spell, I envisioned it more as...

*Merka stabs you through the heart!*
*The Amulet of Resist Death glows!*
*You retain consciousness up until the last drop of blood is spilled from your body.*
*You die.*
Posted by chaostrom, Sep 27, 2014 at 2:52 am
The monsters do follow you through the portal, but even if you kill everything before going through, you will still start off surrounded by 4 elite dark knights and 8 acidous blood golems.

Edit: My bad, I misread. After killing Oree. The above applies to arriving on Oree's level.
Posted by chaostrom, Sep 26, 2014 at 12:20 am
Congrats indeed. A win is a win, no matter the score.