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Posted by chaostrom, Jun 11, 2016 at 1:57 am
Never thought I'd become reference material. I'm honoured!

Seems you already have ideas for the tomb, and I don't know a lick about balancing, I'll just make a few suggestions and leave the final design to you.

I feel there should be at least one "tactical" level, small enough that someone with high perception and/or high intelligence with ESP should be able to see the entire floor. Casters in the back/rooms whose corridors loop around so you can't walk up to them easily, dark knights in the front/open room that lets them surround you. Basically, you need to plan your moves ahead or get bogged down in a slog-fest that'll get you killed. This is a holy site for worshippers of chaotic gods, it's well defended.

You could have Xinroch's Gravekeeper as a sub-boss instead of the third form (in the flesh) 'cus he's already all rotted away. Rather, I think Xinroch himself would work better as a 2-stage fight, his skeletal form then his ghost form.

Little food! Following the theme, most enemies should be necromancers/undead/dark knights, no random animals. If you're not a follower of Mellis, you better hope one of two random rooms spawn; the kitchen or the training cage with bear(s) in it.

Similarly, since it's a tomb and not a mine, I feel it should be shorter than GC. To compensate for reduced loot, more chests spawn. Perhaps chance of a single storage room with numerous chests?
Posted by chaostrom, Jun 6, 2016 at 12:41 am
That's awesome. Good work!
Posted by chaostrom, May 23, 2016 at 12:35 am
Serin-Delaunay wrote
I managed to get 37 bottles under Petrus's feet before he suddenly started kicking them a few tiles further.

The reason for that would be an increase in leg strength.

Nice win regardless!
Posted by chaostrom, May 23, 2016 at 12:32 am
Indeed it is!
Posted by chaostrom, May 20, 2016 at 7:33 am
Yes, I know. I was just pointing out that there's already an opportunity to implement better AI in-game.
Posted by chaostrom, May 20, 2016 at 12:26 am
Actually, ESP detection is reliant on intelligence. Not all golems can be detected by ESP.
Posted by chaostrom, May 20, 2016 at 12:24 am
There's already a wolf pack in IVAN. They're led by a werewolf and spawn in a special room.
Posted by chaostrom, May 19, 2016 at 2:32 am
Serin-Delaunay wrote
They're very useful for doors. A locked room can give privacy when science talking, security when cloning/mirroring, storage space when available chests aren't enough, and safety from monsters while healing. It can keep interlopers from setting off the minefield while you clear it, imprison slow monsters, and keep pet spellcasters safe. Under time pressure, unlocking can be much faster than kicking a door down. Especially with strong doors like the mage room's.
A lot of these applications fade on GC7 and lower, as monsters that can kick down doors become more prevalent, but in general I get a lot of use out of keys if I find them.

Oh yes, very useful regarding doors, hence "almost". As far as chests go it's nigh useless.
Posted by chaostrom, May 17, 2016 at 11:51 pm
As it is, locks and keys are almost entirely useless because you're the only one that can open chests.
Posted by chaostrom, May 12, 2016 at 2:55 am
But why wouldn't you wield lanterns?