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Posted by capristo, Jan 12, 2009 at 2:09 am
styles in forum Website News
First, a poll, to see which style you guys should think should be the default (for guests and new members). I'm thinking silver or blue, since they give a more clean look.

Second, if anybody has any suggestions for more themes, here's the place to put them.
Posted by capristo, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:17 am
New features:

- You can browse & search previous shoutbox posts (click history under the send message box)
- You can delete shoutbox posts, up to an hour after posting them.
- The "who's online" box at the bottom of the main page is automatically updated every 5 seconds through ajax.

New users may now register. I've moved the website back to "" without the "new"
Posted by capristo, Jan 11, 2009 at 6:10 pm
Erno I believe I fixed the first issue; of course I can't test it until someone else replies but let me know if it is fixed for you.

Downloads for IVAN & variants are back up, without uploading functionality yet
Posted by capristo, Jan 11, 2009 at 4:14 pm
Does anybody have the CVS ? At least the source code ? If you had a win exe as well, that would be even better, but if not I can try to compile it. Please let me know since I would like to add it to the downloads
Posted by capristo, Jan 11, 2009 at 11:16 am
Ernomouse wrote
Looks great, I like this layout a lot more than the old one.

The arrows on don't take you to the last post as they used to, however. I'm talking about the last post arrows on the forum index: f.ex.

"Today 4:49 am
Ernomouse ->"

Instead they take you to the profile, which is far less useful.

Issue 2: If I edit my post and post it, I am redirected to it. Opera loads the old post, and I need to refresh the browser to see the edited post. Firefox was fine, so I guess it's not your fault, but I don't remember noticing this one on phpbb2.

Thanks, I'll work on these today. The second issue is probably from caching, I think I know how to fix it. The first issue will be easy to fix.

Good point Atomic
Posted by capristo, Jan 10, 2009 at 7:49 pm
No problem Somagu Thanks for being a great mod.
Posted by capristo, Jan 10, 2009 at 2:04 pm
And it appears they are fixed. Make sure you report any issues in this thread.
Posted by capristo, Jan 10, 2009 at 8:57 am
As I predicted, there are some problems with timezones. Bear with me a couple days
Posted by capristo, Jan 10, 2009 at 8:08 am
Well, here it is.

Known Issues
- I haven't copied over the private messages from the old forum yet. So, do not send any new PMs or they will just be lost.
- Moderators don't have their powers. Don't worry, you'll get them back. Erno, you should have admin privileges but please don't use them yet
- If anybody could make some nice 750x100 banner images for the top, that would be great. As many or as few as you wish

- software I am familiar with, I will be able to add new features a lot more easily
- Photo galleries available now
- Much cleaner layout in my opinion.

Please, if you notice any issues, especially with Timezones, let me know in this thread. I'm sure there are plenty of bugs still. Once I have finished porting over private messages and made sure everything is running smoothly, the URL will go back to just without the "new/"


PS - Erno is still the Big Chief. But since we needed to upgrade to PHPBB3 soon, which wasn't working, I decided to go this route. So think of my as the Webmaster while Erno is Administrator.
Posted by capristo, Dec 29, 2008 at 11:43 am
That's pretty funny Cerumen