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Hmm... I was able to sneak past him invisible, but something set the villagers off, either using a wand of striking on the wall, or placing two big mines. (Can you not wish for a pick / pickaxe?)
Whaaat I didn't know you could blow up the spectators! This sounds like fun... *drops everything to play IVAN*
I was gonna say a strong trap but I guess if you're trying to skip Jenny you probably wouldn't find a very good one before then
It works, scroll down... it loads the preview underneath the post you are composing. Not very intuitive, I know. Maybe I'll add a loading GIF and scroll you down when it's ready.
Yeah that often led to early deaths for me in LIVAN.
JoKe, pretty sure i have been one-shotted by a zombie past GC7... but i think he had picked up a mithril halberd +8 from an orc
Vermis's teleportation gets annoying sometimes. I just want you to DIE, stop disappearing!
But seriously, iron daggers? I've definitely never beat it without some kind of special weapon
Mjolak is my weapon of choice too. Builds up arm strength too. Latest character is dual whips of thievery though, wanted to try something different
You can now search your private messages
Also, printing topics is cleaned up
Something most will not care about, but I think Z mentioned it before.
Gzip compression and expiration headers are being set appriorately for all HTML, CSS, JS, and images. So especially if you are viewing the site on your phone not on wifi, it will use less data for your phone plan.
Topic subscriptions (email notification for new replies) should be fixed.
I noticed a problem with the emails yesterday, but it seems to have magically fixed itself, so maybe Gmail's servers were having issues.