Alright Erno, the Euro and American spellings are both accepted now
colour = #ff0000 color = #ff0000 colour = green color = green colour = #00f color = #00f
Oh and I forgot to mention. The BBcode buttons work properly now. In other words, if you hilight some text and press "B" then it will place bold tags around the text. It used to just replace what was hilighted.
I only found a couple one-liners in that thread. So right now there are about 30 from the game, 6-7 from Terry Pratchett, and 3 from IVANers. I originally put in a couple multi-line quotes but they really messed up the layout by pushing the forum down too far. So we're going to have to stick to 1 and 2 liners.
I seem to remember somebody pointing out that the links when viewing a forum aren't correct. So I fixed them to replicate what phpBB and vbulletin and the other popular websites do.
- clicking the little white paper takes you to the newest post you haven't read
- clicking the topic title takes you to the first page
- clicking the person's name under "last post" takes you to the last poster's profile
- clicking the paper with the arrow under "last post" takes you to the last post in the topic
I'm also locking topics in this forum that have been resolved, so that I can easily see what issues are still remaining