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Posted by capristo, Sep 28, 2009 at 4:25 pm
nah, that's not why. I think whoever theorized that somebody posts and then deletes the post is correct.
Also, I think for the sub-forums (i.e. Wesnoth), it never works period.
Posted by capristo, Sep 26, 2009 at 11:36 pm
That is awesome! Could make beating the game a lot easier!
Posted by capristo, Sep 26, 2009 at 12:48 pm
I don't think there are any C++ websites out there as good as the textbooks.
I recommend these books:

C++ How to Program by Deitel and Deitel
The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie

You can get older editions which are good enough, for pretty cheap
Posted by capristo, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:31 pm
Sweet. what did you do exactly? (is it possible outside of WM?)
Posted by capristo, Sep 21, 2009 at 11:52 pm
The fate of all RPG forums.. our only female members are spambots
Posted by capristo, Sep 21, 2009 at 12:05 pm
I see. There are quite a few gaming websites linking to ours though... I checked their pageranks and they're all in the 3-5 range. These are just the most recent that visitors have come from, but there have been more in the past.

My other website is much bigger than this one and has many links from high page-rank sites (several with 6-8), yet also has a pagerank of 1/10
Posted by capristo, Sep 20, 2009 at 11:55 pm
I added a more prominent link to the wiki.
It would definitely be really helpful if we had the link added to sourceforge.

Our page rank is 1/10. Isn't that a measure of how popular the website is across the entire internet? For something devoted to just one RPG, I don't know if we can expect any better than that.
Posted by capristo, Sep 20, 2009 at 7:27 pm
That's true, having an inaccurate weapon early on can be bad. I usually let the puppy take on the hedgehogs, or just kick them, instead of trying to hit them with my ungainly halberd.
Posted by capristo, Sep 20, 2009 at 12:59 pm
Inaccurate weapons (e.g. halberd) usually have greater damage. Accurate weapons (e.g. whips) have lower damage but a higher chance of a hit, and better chance for dismembering /beheading. If you enchant a whip +5, its damage will be comparable. Or, if you enchant a halberd +5 it will now not only have a ton of damage, it will also be very accurate. So I actually prefer inaccurate weapons, because once they are enchanted, they become accurate while still offering greater damage.
Posted by capristo, Sep 20, 2009 at 12:57 am
Oh and by the way, you may notice some links look like this:

While others look like this:

As you can imagine, the latter will definitely be more helpful with search engines. I just need to go through and make sure all the links are consistent.