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Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 27, 2016 at 8:53 pm
I've wiped my PC so many times, and rarely bothered to save my bones files. The oldest I can find is 2011. (By all rights I ought to have some from 2005...)
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 27, 2016 at 8:51 pm
Ighalli wrote
Should we buff AoGH or just delete it?

I'm pretty ambivalent on this topic. It is pretty IVAN-esque.

Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 26, 2016 at 5:57 pm
red_kangaroo wrote
It would be great if the system could swap your Int and Wis when your head is swapped.

I don't think it should kill you to get a skeleton head - not realistic, but awsome to walk around with a bare skull for head. After all, it's undead, so it has some magic to get you going.

In my mind the "player" would stay with the head. In that sense, having a fleshy head on an un-fleshy skeleton would probably be akin to being decapitated, and similarly fatal in short order: No heart to pump blood into the brain, not to mention somewhere for blood to go on the way out of the brain other than onto the floor. Similarly a golemn doesn't have lungs, so a human head on a golemn's body would suffocate pretty quick too, even if it kept the blood.

For that matter, any living limb that ends up on a non-living monster would die (and become zombie flesh?) pretty fast. Legs don't do too well without fresh, oxygenated blood either...
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 26, 2016 at 5:52 pm
That's a pretty common tactic, yeah! I'm impressed you figured it out on your own. Some veteran players will try to teleport her (preferably with a zap, rather than a broken wand) so they can come back later and train weapon skills and attributes on infinitely-spawning carnivorous plants.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 26, 2016 at 2:11 pm
Batman? wrote
I like this idea. all of a sudden you have kobold arms.....or purple light crystal arms! could be abused. should have a small chance of something terrible happening to offset abuse.

Head-swapping could happen sometimes. Getting head-swapped with a skeleton (or zombie, or golemn, or any other non-alive creature) would probably end poorly.

Also, how would this system handle landing on a limbless creature, like an animal or what-have-you?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 26, 2016 at 11:26 am
Interesting. Can anyone corroborate this?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 16, 2016 at 1:19 pm
Batman? wrote
kill it quickly.

Unfortunately this is the only way at the moment. There was some talk of methods to resist these spells, but it didn't materialize into any concrete plans.

Personally I'm inclined to think an item (amulet, probably) would be the best solution, as opposed to a new stat to train.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 14, 2016 at 4:57 pm
Another whip of thievery, naturally.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 10, 2016 at 10:37 pm
I find it a little odd that vampires in games often have bite attacks.

I mean, it makes sense that they would be able to bite to drain life. But as they are morphologically human beings with some long, sharp teeth, biting as a combat technique seems a bit... silly. Unless you first grab the person and hold them still. I mean, in most fictions, the vampire attacks it's victims while they are unaware. Or at renders then incapable of resisting before going for the bite.

I suppose our vampires could be a kind of vampire with over-large jaws designed to bite victims in combat, like a snake or something. But that's a more animalistic vampire idea.

Besides, let me paint you a picture. You are wandering through a dungeon, plated in armor from head to toe, longsword and shield at the ready. You come 'round a corner and see a well-dressed but creepy-looking man down the hallway. He bares his overlarge fangs at you and charges! It's a vampire! You prepare for combat. You swing at him - he dodges - then he... dives onto his knees so he can bite you in the shin? What??
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 8, 2016 at 12:58 pm
The wiki is, as far as I can tell, quite out of date in a lot of respect...