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Posted by Ernomouse, Oct 26, 2009 at 1:13 pm
Hooray for planplan!
Posted by Ernomouse, Oct 23, 2009 at 8:53 am
And that's what we've been discussing, to let everyone see the board. The reason there's been so few announcements is maybe that I just had a two weeks honeymoon in Africa, during which I visited the internet whole two times. I don't know what you others have been up to during that time, but at least there wasn't much to see in the development sub when I came back. And yes, I've asked my friends on facebook for help. We've got plenty of people; even a few with at least some experience in coding. I think we might actually have too many people... We'll see. This is a project started by beginneers who don't get paid; don't expect something to happen after two weeks! It'll take way longer than that.
Posted by Ernomouse, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:58 pm
All of those can be achieved by giving out information instead of letting you look for it yourselves. Cons of keeping it hidden are that we have the peace and freedom to do what we do. There's no idea of having the customer looking over the carpenters shoulder at all times... I don't mean to keep anything secret; I just want to keep the development a separate project.
Posted by Ernomouse, Oct 22, 2009 at 9:13 am
I've compiled ideas from here and some from greatboards to a single file. These are greatly unbalanced and this is definetely not a to-do list at this point. It's something to get inspiration from, in case you have time to kill and want to do some scripting... For now, it's open for discussion.


Open office document also available as an attachment.
Attached files
IVAN ideas.doc ()
Posted by Ernomouse, Oct 22, 2009 at 6:48 am
For clarification: There are currently two threads which give you guys things to do. (Maybe they should be marked by adding "to do:" in the topic name.) Currently we're trying the voluntarity approach on things, if that doesn't work we'll have to start naming people on it. When you've taken up a job, announce it in the thread.
Posted by Ernomouse, Oct 22, 2009 at 6:30 am
Is there anyone working on this?
Posted by Ernomouse, Oct 22, 2009 at 5:50 am
Uuf, I didn't know Hexii was writing a blog about politics...

EDIT: Aanyway! There seem to be a few of us who know something about C++ after all. This is great. A group of 10 people might be too big, so we may have to drop those who don't do anything at some point. We'll see how this starts to roll.

First, we need to get to know the code well. This will be achieved through making a bugfixed version of the CVS, with some minor additions (some balancing and scripting, Ighalli's god system if we get it). Nothing big. Then, when we get things familiarized, we'll start adding genuinely new stuff.

Those of you who see this post have said that you're intrested. Thus I'm suggesting that we'll try to get something out at 24.12. this year, as a christmas gift to the community. Now all you need to do is start giving your input!
Posted by Ernomouse, Oct 22, 2009 at 5:46 am
Capristo, if you haven't already, please add sPlath, Iankill and Planplan to the sub-forum.

JimmyJ and others who want to see the sub-forum: It's not visible because I, or we, don't see any gain from making it visible. If you want to contribute then say so and I'll have you added to the "team". If not, then wait for our announcements about the progress.
Posted by Ernomouse, Oct 9, 2009 at 9:16 am
I'll make the magical mushroom once I get home, if it doesn't appear by that.
Posted by Ernomouse, Oct 2, 2009 at 1:07 am
I actually played... The day before yesterday? Before that, I don't know, last december?