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Posted by Batman?, Sep 5, 2017 at 2:07 pm
I like the boots of blinking. I think the balance would be to make them not subject to tele control, so they are just teleporting you around at random, like an exceptionally dangerous last ditch escape item.
Posted by Batman?, Aug 24, 2017 at 12:21 pm
What about a rare fountain/lamp effect whereby you are transported to a bones file in its entirety. IE you move into the complete game the bones file was in. so all the levels and layout you have done in your current game are replaced by the layout in the bones file. Like a dimensional teleport or trip to a past life?
Posted by Batman?, Aug 16, 2017 at 7:26 am
the likelihood of me remembering something from 2014 at this point is pretty much zero.
Posted by Batman?, Aug 14, 2017 at 7:41 am
I never use the AoLS. whenever I equip it the Danger Level Goes crazy and i end up dying. So i carry it around in my inventory and die forgetting to put it on.
Posted by Batman?, Aug 7, 2017 at 8:34 am
red_kangaroo wrote
Unfortunately, IVAN suffers the bane of many old roguelikes, having a set of "ascension gear", the best items for their slots - boots of agility, belt of levitation, cloak of fire resistance.

I was thinking about this as well and it occurred to me that the "ascension" gear is always the same because the final boss/levels always present the same obstacles. I think having a circumstance where the ways that enemies attak you or obstacles in the level design change from game to game, so that you arent spending the whole game chasing the 5 essential items. Why do you need a cloak of fire protection? because the final level has a bunch mages fireballing the shit out of you EVERY TIME. if the enemy set later in the game was more varied, you would have to rely on different equipment sets for different games. Also you could make the generation of some items mutually exclusive so that you couldn't get a full kit in every game and would have make do without part of it.
Posted by Batman?, Jul 7, 2017 at 12:45 pm
fejoa wrote
Merged, nice changes!
The too-hard doors was probably an oversight. I chose iron more for color/mood combination without thinking about whether they could be knocked down.

Ebony instead?
Posted by Batman?, Jul 6, 2017 at 7:04 am
red_kangaroo wrote

BTW, I just now checked and Atavus no longer has a championship gift. He enchants the armor you have instead.

No more arcanite plate?
Posted by Batman?, Jun 13, 2017 at 1:39 pm
I echo your concerns that some of the changes being proposed are too closely aligned to mainstream Roguelike/D&D standards. Maybe make silver cause something akin to poison to vampires where by every so many turns they have a chance to take silver damage unless healed. Or make them aware of silver items and greatly increase your danger level in their eyes. They see you coming down the hall wearing silver armor dual wielding silver weapins and they run scared. Thats always my favorite moment when my late game char is super stacked and lower level monsters run in fear of me.

Make vampire bats able to steal light sources like magpies do, increasing the chance of you getting stuck in the dark and give vampires more damage or regenration or something when standing in the dark.

also i would like to see you lose you memory of the surronding area if you lose your light source in a dark area. right now its kind of silly, you can still see the walls and the marker where your player is so all you have to do is move back to a room, when in reality if you lost your lightsource in a subterranean maze it would be a lot harder to find your way back.
Posted by Batman?, Jun 6, 2017 at 8:09 am
I would like to see a variation of the hallucination status common in Rougelikes. Instead of just walking around tripping I would like it to be more of a psychosis state, where you see the same thing wrong until the effect wears off. so floating eyes would look like kobolds, or villagers or non hostile NPC's would look like monsters and not give you a warning for attacking them. Maybe make the condition notification subtle so you dont know you have it right away.
Posted by Batman?, Jun 1, 2017 at 11:52 am
#Awesome. what version did you test this in?