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Posted by Batman?, Jul 27, 2013 at 9:50 pm
Zayre wrote
Well, is there any way to have for instance, a couch suddenly turn into a monster when you try to destroy it? I know sometimes breaking coffins can spawn ghosts.

also on this, Im pretty sure the eddy/couch thing is a refrence to the The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I think having some kind of level teleport aspect of the couch would seem more thematic.

Posted by Batman?, Jul 27, 2013 at 9:48 pm
4zb4 wrote
The other problem would be finding the devs again and convincing them to work on IVAN again.
I suppose a couple of grand is a pretty nice incentive though, but then I don't know how kickstarter and the like would appreciate it essentially being a bribe

I don't think kickstarter or indiegogo cares. I am pretty sure one of the devs is running for office. It could prove to be a source of campaign funds.
Posted by Batman?, Jul 27, 2013 at 1:16 pm
capristo wrote
I don't know how well crowdfunding for IVAN would go, just being realistic

you would be surprised. if you set the goal at a modest level like $5k or $10k I would bet that you get it funded.
Posted by Batman?, Jul 26, 2013 at 10:32 pm
ADOM did well with a crowdfunding initiative that rewarded the donors with special monsters named after them. if the ownership of ivan could get organizd It could serve as a good vehicle to get a new official version released.
Posted by Batman?, Jul 26, 2013 at 12:46 pm
capristo wrote
Nice game

I don't think you can clone ommel fluids though. At least not the bottles? Maybe the cerumen

Also I don't think wearing 2 rings of fire resistance helps anymore than wearing 1, somebody correct me if I'm wrong

you can clone them, you cant mirror them.

Im pretty sure 2 tings is better than one. I waswearing them while in the minefield to be safe-er. I usually swap one out for a ring of TC

Posted by Batman?, Jul 26, 2013 at 8:03 am
Cleared out to GC4, am about to try enner. cleared UT4 and the minefield. good gear haul. no /oCloning or /oPolymorph. Annoying. Im kind of suprised given my gear set and stats that rondol or guggy havent showed up yet. I would like to see rondol and get the /oPoly, because i have a chest from a hidden room i cant open right now. Finally got nefas and cleptia not mad at me through mass sacraficing. there has been a real dearth of spellbooks and alters in this game.

screen shots:


Stash: Look at all those ommels! Just need a 3 shot wand of cloning and Im set!

Posted by Batman?, Jul 24, 2013 at 1:11 pm
Zayre wrote
Instructions unclear, got Head removed by Elpuri.

off topic, could a headless zombie pick up and equip the head of elpuri? or can they only attach human appendeges?

Posted by Batman?, Jul 23, 2013 at 3:21 pm
i did it once but i sort of did the ommel cerumen trick so i feel kind of like i cheated. i had managed to get my int to 51 and my wis in the high 40's and i ran out of patience.
Posted by Batman?, Jul 23, 2013 at 8:16 am
i want to try this as soon as im done with my current game
Posted by Batman?, Jul 23, 2013 at 8:16 am
its called "Kill elpuri and return to attnam without dying" not very original.

I was inspiried by the surge of new interest so i fired up a new char. found a whip of thievery in ut1 (yay!) got to attnam, my lamp was magic, wished for a helm of brilliance. robbed the library, got myself in good with the lawful gods so i could get atavus armor, then read all my chao books to try to get in with the chao gods (my preferred pantheon). I wasnt paying attention though, because i had like 5 school foods, i should have done the seges thing and tried to get some more end while i was still lawful. kind of have myself in a bind because i was only able to get my self to neutral, and now none of th gods like me. cleared gc 1 and 2 (minefield was on 2), made short work of the wolves on 3. that was on thursday, havent had a chance to play since. I should have some time tonight, i want to clear out down to gc4, get the sumo belt, and then decide what to do. any advice?

some notes:
- fighting with 2 light weapons is really the way to go. I seem to have the most sucess with this tactic. the idea of cleaving your enemies in twain with a heavily enchanted mjolak is always super tempting, but it only seems to end in my own death every time.any thoughts?
-merka's shop had 2 turoxes and a vermis in it! no guantlets of dex yet, only guantelts of str. seeing as how i am training dex pretty quickly with my whip, would i be better of with the str guantlets? will Astr help with dual wielded whips in any way?

screen shots:

could someone tell me how to imbed screenshots into this message?
edit: lets see if this works
edit2:it did, thanks eagle!
