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Posted by Batman?, Feb 12, 2014 at 8:28 am
capristo wrote
How do you know when the bones file is from?

Mostly I Dont, but there are some where as soon as I enter the level i remeber the player. mostly on the ones in the lower dungeon. I have found ones on GC 7 and * and I always remember losing a charecter that late in the game.
Posted by Batman?, Feb 11, 2014 at 1:24 pm
Warheck wrote
You could even say, the purpose of the game is to die a few times before playing right through.

Absolutely - I have never gotten a charecter to gc8 without a decent bones find. the part i find best about bones is when you come across a really old one. I found a bones in my current (and stalled) game that was left in 2009. It actually forced me to recall the horror of losing a late game player like that.
Posted by Batman?, Feb 7, 2014 at 10:41 am
Stihdjia wrote
I did kill Oree, but took on Petrus first.

I think this is the way im leaning
Petrus wasn't a hard fight at all compared to Elpuri this time since I'd been dragging tame monsters into town and charming guards with a pack full of lyres.
I was going to ask about this. I have a LoC in my pack and was wondering if it was worth cloning for this very task

With a solid front-line clone or two and a few casters in the back, all I had to do was finish off a limbless torso.
Is a mystic dark frog corpse worht a shot from a wand of ressurection?

[ PolyControl is required by Elpuri.
Posted by Batman?, Feb 7, 2014 at 9:05 am
Thats awesome. I am at that crossroads right now. I have a dead elpuri and monster stats/equipment . I am trying to decide weather to take on Petrus or Oree first.

Did you kill oree? I notice you arent wearing the shirt.
Posted by Batman?, Feb 5, 2014 at 9:45 am
Eire-MadHatter wrote
Well now......

I've been playing Ivan for ages now and i thought i was the only one on the internet that enjoys it!

Hooray! new members who arent spam! (or are increadibly sophisticated spam)

Posted by Batman?, Feb 2, 2014 at 8:15 am
4zb4 wrote
having the shirt prevents the entire town from attacking you when you challenge Petrus.

Really? So if I get the shirt and take on petrus the rest of town doesn't turn hostile? never knew that.

Is the Mystic light frog tameable?

Posted by Batman?, Feb 2, 2014 at 7:15 am
Ive already done the elpuri ending once 2-3 years ago. Do you think I need to take out the casters on orees level first or can I just sprint over to him and take him out?
Posted by Batman?, Feb 1, 2014 at 3:50 pm
I just cleared out GC9 between the master necro and vlad its a complete mess. Im at a cross roads right now. do it take the head back and call it a day? Do I take on peterus? do I go for ore? any advice on which I should do first, oree or petrus? and what I need to have prepared for both?
Posted by Batman?, Feb 1, 2014 at 9:17 am
I think I am going to go for petrus first for that sword. Advice welcomed.
Posted by Batman?, Feb 1, 2014 at 8:16 am
wasted him in melee. Neerc is amazing.