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Posted by 4zb4, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:51 am
Currently it just uses the default armor sprites but I'll add my own soon.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 17, 2016 at 4:14 am
Figured I'd make a thread for this to keep clutter down.

Here's the current stone armors, available in Limestone, Obsidian, Marble, Basalt and Quartzite in order of strength.
I found that there's some unused armor sprites in the Item.pcx file so I used one instead of having to make my own.
I've adjusted their density some more, but a completely naked character with nothing but the stone cuirass on is simply stressed at leg strength 16 - which isn't even that high. My concern is that people will just use artificial legs to get around the weight.

From the other thread:
I just went and added my own take on stone armor as a proof-of-concept. Here's a screenshot of an obscenely heavy limestone plate mail:

I just added it in via script editing:
    Config STONE_MAIL;
    StrengthModifier = 600;
    DefaultSize = 75;
    DefaultMainVolume = 30000;
    BitmapPos = 16, 128;
    Possibility = 50;
    NameSingular = "stone cuirass";
    FlexibleNameSingular = "armor";
    MaterialConfigChances = { 5, 500, 250, 200, 100, 50; }
    InElasticityPenaltyModifier = 40;
    EnchantmentPlusChance = 2;
    TorsoArmorBitmapPos = 32, 416;
    ArmArmorBitmapPos = 80, 416;
    AthleteArmArmorBitmapPos = 80, 448;
    LegArmorBitmapPos = 16, 416;
The idea here is that stone armor is its own thing, and very rarely found. It has a very high strength modifier to compensate for the fact that stone materials aren't actually that strong, and to counteract that I've added an obscene main material density to make them extremely heavy. With a little extra testing and tweaking, and the addition of something to stop people changing their materials I think we could make this work.
Currently I think the main material density is still a little too low - I'd want it to overload most characters.
I'd be happy to make my own sprites for it too if everyone likes the idea.

Still need to prevent changing material or even hardening material because that would be obscenely broken with the strength modifier they have.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 16, 2016 at 9:51 pm
Today I learned about really cool metal alloys.

Also on the topic of strong metals, there's no reason why we can't have some kind of magically hardened metal in there somewhere. A few NPCs state that Attnam has been experimenting with magical weaponry (that resulted in the mutant animals we see) so we could potentially have a magically tainted steel or other kind of metal that has been re-purposed for weapon smithing that only exists as a byproduct of the Attnamese magic tests.
That would be a good excuse for a metal that doesn't rust, and is also very strong.

Hell it doesn't even need to be metal. Since the magical experiments mutated animals, it could just be wood from a magically tainted tree - we already have mutant plants but they're made of fiber, not wood.
That would make for a very interesting quarterstaff material, or provide an alternative and still viable material for armors/shields if you had a SoCM.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 16, 2016 at 7:27 pm
So I'm not sure if this just happens on my PC or not, but the game locks up and eats a whole CPU core if I attempt to start a new game using the same player name as an earlier character whose save is still present.

I believe when you try to start a new game with the same name as a saved game character it tries to load that save instead, but for me it just locks up the game and I have to close it with task manager.

I remember running into this problem with CVS too but I guess I didn't report it.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 16, 2016 at 5:59 pm
I think you can add a flag or something that prevents people from changing the material of certain items, Lampshade was going to do something like that for the Dragon Cuirass in LIVAN.

I just went and added my own take on stone armor as a proof-of-concept. Here's a screenshot of an obscenely heavy limestone plate mail:

I just added it in via script editing:
    Config STONE_MAIL;
    StrengthModifier = 600;
    DefaultSize = 75;
    DefaultMainVolume = 22000;
    BitmapPos = 16, 128;
    Possibility = 50;
    NameSingular = "stone mail";
    FlexibleNameSingular = "armor";
    MainMaterialConfig = { 5, LIME_STONE, OBSIDIAN, MARBLE, BASALT, JASPER; }
    MaterialConfigChances = { 5, 500, 250, 200, 100, 50; }
    InElasticityPenaltyModifier = 40;
    EnchantmentPlusChance = 2;
    TorsoArmorBitmapPos = 32, 416;
    ArmArmorBitmapPos = 80, 416;
    AthleteArmArmorBitmapPos = 80, 448;
    LegArmorBitmapPos = 16, 416;
The idea here is that stone armor is its own thing, and very rarely found. It has a very high strength modifier to compensate for the fact that stone materials aren't actually that strong, and to counteract that I've added an obscene main material density to make them extremely heavy. With a little extra testing and tweaking, and the addition of something to stop people changing their materials I think we could make this work.
Currently I think the main material density is still a little too low - I'd want it to overload most characters.
I'd be happy to make my own sprites for it too if everyone likes the idea.

I do have a github account, I'll go add the titanium scripts to your branch.

EDIT: Or I would if I had any idea what I am doing, which I don't.
Apparently your fork of IVAN doesn't have BLACK_LEATHER too, so my Titanium additions to the latest downloadable version are defined in define.dat as solid 68.

EDIT 2: I THINK I finally managed to figure out how a pull request works. I may have a github account, but that doesn't mean I know what I'm doing.
Note that I only put in item.dat which is where the spawn chances are, since you already have define.dat and materials.dat modified.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 16, 2016 at 5:32 pm
Sorry I didn't do this when I got home like I said I would, I got a killer headache and thought I was going to die so I went straight to bed instead.
You can download the script files to implement Titanium here since apparently I can't attach zip files even though it says I can. Just drop them in the Script folder of the newest build of IVAN and you're ready to go.

Titanium has been added as a material for every item that could have been spawned made of meteoric steel. The chance for titanium is 15 in general (meteoric steel is 25) but I used smaller numbers when the meteoric steel chance was also low.

Maybe not the right thread but I think materials should have more secondary properties like the resist rust mentioned above. It always bothered me that material progression was linear and the game just became an arms race to get to the best material as fast as possible.
Thankfully IVAN already has variable rust resistance, you can add "RustModifier = X" to change how quickly or slowly that material rusts when exposed to corrosive liquids.

I also think having other more interesting materials rather than a linear path would be nice, problem is you'd only be able to use them if you had a SoCM or the item spawned with that material to begin with. I had ideas like a material that had a lower rust chance but also a lower AV. We kinda already have that but you're railroaded to choosing either cloth armor or metal armor.

I'd also like to see the stone materials used for certain items, perhaps unique ones that can only be made of stone? Stone armor should be extremely strong, but also very, very heavy - so heavy you wouldn't normally be able to use it. We'd need to make a new armor type because the current body armor gives next to no AV when it's made of stone, even though it's still very heavy.

I really don't like damascus steel as stronger than meteoric. The meteoric implies that it's somehow better than mere earthly materials.

Well I was just under the assumption that meteoric steel is just much more pure than earth steel, since the iron from meteorites IRL tends to be of very high quality. I agree that Damascus Steel wouldn't make sense for being stronger than meteoric for that same reason.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 16, 2016 at 1:24 am
I'll get on this when I get home. I'll add it to the script files and upload them here so others can live-test too, if someone else doesn't get to it before me.
Also, Titanium should either be extremely rust resistant or rust proof.

I'm all for adding more materials, even side-grades for the current ones just to add a little bit more variety.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 15, 2016 at 3:05 pm
I must admit I like the sound of being able to secretly debuff NPCs by thinking bad things at them, if you have the ability. Maybe their INT value can determine how likely they are to notice, with an even higher INT being likely that they'll notice it's you and turn hostile.
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 15, 2016 at 6:03 am
Oh! I didn't realise that point about the generic ghosts, my bad. I also didn't consider the beard and arm growth.

On the topic of armor and weapons, this sounds like something you could accomplish by adding a CONFIG GHOSTLY for like... every weapon? Idk. I think it's possible to have a CONFIG as part of one of the overarching parent classes like weapon, liquid etc. so all its children inherit it.
Could just make the ghostly weapons have a counter like mirrored items and an opacity modifier for their sprite, and just have the counter jump to zero inside the ghost's death code for each piece of equipment?
foreach item equipped, ghostTimer=0 or so.

Also, if the player was decapitated, then the ghost should carry his head around.
I like the way you think. Can we force humanoids to prioritize certain equipment over others rather than the basic code which is "lemme pick up and use this because it has high stats"?
Posted by 4zb4, Mar 13, 2016 at 5:58 pm
fejoa wrote
I just need to devise a way of telling how many limbs the player has left at the time of death... and some info about hair and eye colour etc. Configure the spawned ghost with this info and then viola, bones ghost.
My attempts so far have not turned up the desired results yet, and my latest thinking is that the bones ghost will need to be a derived class of a general ghost, only with some added functions and restrictions.

Ohhh! I see the problem now.
Well, I think being able to tell whether they have limbs will be easy enough since here's functions for that already for checking, say, if you can equip a weapon. My dumb and simple solution would be to have this info saved into the bones file (e.g. hasLeftLeg = 1, hasRightArm = 0, hairColour = [RGB value/1 or 2 or 3 for the different saved colours]) so you can use that to generate the ghost later.

Not sure making a subclass of a general ghost will work because they're not humanoids.
As for the current playerkind ones, I'm not sure there's functions for hotswapping their hair colours (you could be lazy and just make it white) but we already have humanoids that can spawn without certain limbs - e.g. Hunters in Attnam are missing an arm.
Could be a place to start looking. I might take a look at it myself.

Luckily the game always spawns a ghost when the player dies.

It does? Literally the turn after the game ends before it goes back to the main menu? I didn't know this!
If that's the case couldn't you just make a clone (as in wand of cloning) of the player and set it to playerkind(GHOST) somehow? That would preserve their current limb status, and HOPEFULLY the ghost would immediately pick up and equip all the items in the death pile when you come across it in another run.

Really just throwing ideas around here.