Honor Rolls

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Check out how well other people have done in IVAN and compare your scores. Include the character's name, score, and method of death or victory, as well as your own name/handle. If you like you can link to a page from the Attnam.com forums with more information about your character, for example if he had a particularly violent or amusing death, you can tell his story.

Only the Top 25 scores of each list should be recorded. Once we reach 25, if yours makes the list, remove the bottom score from the list as well.


  1. 645300 - Sloberto [Slob], killed Petrus and became the Avatar of Chaos.
  2. 534711 - Rob [Slob], killed Petrus and became the Avatar of Chaos.
  3. 463287 - Rob [Slob], killed Petrus and became the Avatar of Chaos.
  4. 406077 - Slob, killed Petrus and became the Avatar of Chaos.
  5. 387444 - Slobinator [Slob], killed Petrus and became the Avatar of Chaos.
  6. 347355 - Slobnan [Slob], killed Petrus and became the Avatar of Chaos.
  7. 190374 - Wasitol Warfit [Alveradok], defeated Elpuri and continued to further adventures.
  8. 130288 - Raggbutji [Ernomouse], defeated Elpuri and continued to further adventures. (more)


  1. 30040 - Adam [Atomic], killed by a lion in gloomy cave level 4.
  2. 20430 - Trent Highton [Battleguy01], killed by a wolf's dirty attack below the belt while caught in a spider web and unconscious in gloomy cave level 3.