The Cathedral of Attnam


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1,386 bytes added ,  17:27, 13 March 2010
Ho hum. Just more info to add.

There are two kinds of horns: one that induces fear, and one that soothes it. Both horns take time to 'recharge' their effects. (''exactly'' how long that takes I don't know.)

== '''Horn of Fear''' ==

[[Image:A Horn of Fear.gif|A Horn of Fear]]

The [[Enner Beast]] will yield one when killed; you may also find one in a shop or just lying about.

'''A'''pplying this tool ("You produce a frightening, will frighten off almost any hostile in the immediate vicinity. You cannot scare a [[Golem]] as they are emotionless magical constructs. Named Characters and Unique Monsters are also immune to the horn's effects.

Success: "You produce a frightening, almost scream-like sound."
Failure: "You produce a mighty sound."

== '''Horn of Bravery''' ==

[[Image:Horn Of Bravery.gif|A Horn of Bravery]]

'''A'''pplying this tool will negate [[Panic]] for you and any ally in a one-square radius.

Success: "You produce a loud but calming sound."
Failure: "You produce a mighty sound."

'''Weight reduction'''

The Horn of Fear can be hardened all the way to [[Green Light Crystal]] and the Horn of Bravery to [[Diamond]]. While as of yet horns are among the [[Invincible Items]] in all versions of IVAN (variants included), you might want to harden or SoCM the Horn of Bravery to a lighter material. The original item weighs in at a whopping 4200 g - more than most weapons!


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