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Coding: This article contains code which is for experienced users only, and may reveal game secrets

IsAlcoholic as defined in char.dat states whether a character will ignore a food's consumeWisdomLimit so long as that food is a beverage.
This causes alcoholic NPCs to consume potentially dangerous liquids (i.e. ones with negative effects) such as Vodka if they come across them, whereas normally sufficiently smart monsters would ignore them.

Alcoholic characters include:

truth material::CanBeEatenByAI(ccharacter* Eater) const
  return ((Eater->GetAttribute(WISDOM) < GetConsumeWisdomLimit()
	   || (Eater->IsAlcoholic() && (GetCategoryFlags() & IS_BEVERAGE)))
	  && !GetSpoilLevel() && !Eater->CheckCannibalism(this));