| <code>BackGroundType</code>
| <code>m;</code>
| Defines the default background type. Not sure what it precisely affects. m can be <code>GRAY_FRACTAL</code>, <code>RED_FRACTAL</code>, <code>GREEN_FRACTAL</code> etcetera.|-| <code>EarthquakesAffectTunnels</code>| <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>| Tells the game whether an earthquake on the level can rearrange the layout of tunnels. Open levels will crash if this is not set to false (because there are no tunnels to shift). Set to true if the level has tunnels, set to false if it is open. See also <code>IsOnGround</code>.|-| <code>IsOnGround</code>| <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>| Tells the game whether the level is above ground. This prevents earthquakes from happening on the level. Silva will summon wolves instead.|-| <code>IgnoreDefaultSpecialSquares</code>| <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>| If specific squares containing items/traps etc are specified in LevelDefault, then setting this to true for a particular level will cause these random squares not to appear. Accordingly, in LevelDefault this should be set to false.