The Cathedral of Attnam


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'''Chameleon Whip''':
Wait, if whips are fallout weapons, why is there a whip in the high tier category? It's because the magical abilities they hold. The chameleon whip has the chance to polymorph most enemies it hits. Although this is initially considered a weapon to avoid despite its high stats (usually 3-6 when made of ommel hair), the value of turning a pesky veteran dark knight into a harmless spider in invaluable. When made into golden eagle feather,
'''Flaming Sword''':
Halberds are stronk despite their lack of magical variants. Their sole ability is high damage and roundness at the cost of extreme heaviness and low attack speed. Halberds provide very good damage on average while allowing the player to train their arm strength hard. However, most are far too heavy to use with one hand until arm strength in the 40-50s, but with socm to higher level materials, become far more manageable due to their secondary materials usually being a lightweight wood.Their pure power and highest damage overall of a weapon are a consistent and powerful
'''Rune Sword''':
'''Whip of Thievery''':
'''Two-handed swords''':


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