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*Your hit points ought to be influenced by the strength stat of your limbs, not just by the endurance stat, or the type of material for artificial limbs. I'd imagine that huge bulks of muscle would harder to dissect than some macaroni limbs. Also, maybe torso could get a few extra hit points from really stout arms and similarly your groin could benefit from those tree trunk legs you've been working for.  
*Your hit points ought to be influenced by the strength stat of your limbs, not just by the endurance stat, or the type of material for artificial limbs. I'd imagine that huge bulks of muscle would harder to dissect than some macaroni limbs. Also, maybe torso could get a few extra hit points from really stout arms and similarly your groin could benefit from those tree trunk legs you've been working for.  
*Maybe the existence of wands that are capable of changing the weather would be a nice change - a wand of rain, a wand of snow, or whatever, so that you can conveniently wash off any vomit, acid or fluids that you don't really want bothering you. If weather doesn't already do it, program it in so that it does. Why not?  
*Maybe the existence of wands that are capable of changing the weather would be a nice change - a wand of rain, a wand of snow, or whatever, so that you can conveniently wash off any vomit, acid or fluids that you don't really want bothering you. If weather doesn't already do it, program it in so that it does. Why not?  
*You should be able to fight even when panicked if all directions are blocked. A small bonus to attack would also make sense in that kind of situation.
*What about bows crossbows javelots shurikens boomerangs and all other range weapons...  
*What about bows crossbows javelots shurikens boomerangs and all other range weapons...  
*Make Explosions a bit less powerfull  
*Make Explosions a bit less powerfull  
*Puppy, wolve, jackal... should be attracted by blood  
*Puppy, wolve, jackal... should be attracted by blood  
*Dogs grow into war dogs, and breed like mutant rabbits. Kenny could become pack leader instead of lunch.
*Make a bank that you can use... and rob!!!  
*Make a bank that you can use... and rob!!!  
*How about footprints appearing on the floor if you walk around while your boots are adequately smeared in various fluids, like blood or acid. The stuff you walk on should also stick to yuor feet and boots. For expample stomping on a kobold carcass should reward you with hardened leather boots covered in blood.  
*How about footprints appearing on the floor if you walk around while your boots are adequately smeared in various fluids, like blood or acid. The stuff you walk on should also stick to yuor feet and boots. For expample stomping on a kobold carcass should reward you with hardened leather boots covered in blood.  
*How about applying scroll of harden material on your limbs. If then your Int > Str, or something, you could get +1 str.
*How about applying scroll of harden material on your limbs. If then your Int > Str, or something, you could get +1 str.
*Ommel vomit: Hoping for +2 Endurance +2 Charisma +2 Strength, you drink it... and you die a few turns later, unless you have a very high grade acid resistance. Muahahaha... -By Z
*Ommel vomit: Hoping for +2 Endurance +2 Charisma +2 Strength, you drink it... and you die a few turns later, unless you have a very high grade acid resistance. Muahahaha... -By Z
*Wand of Sleep. Amount of time spent asleep depends on intelligence. If broken, it knocks you and everyone around you unconscious. --[[User:Planetary|Planetary]] 02:36, 18 December 2006 (GMT)
*Amulets and rings can be changed into food materials and eaten for a temporary intrinsic, becoming permanent if somehow several pieces are eaten
==Interface ideas==
==Interface ideas==

Revision as of 17:16, 21 December 2013

General ideas

  • "Dousing" or "dumping" of liquids/materials in cans and bottles, for when you want to heal a follower with healing liquid or troll blood, splash a hostile with acid or poison, or just empty a bottle or can.
  • A keyboard command that lets you use a special ability. For instance if you have a ring of polymorph control, you would be able polymorph at will by using the key command. This would go for teleportation too. The key command would also be used for monsters powers... So if you were polymorphed into a necromancer you could raise skeletons. If you were an enner beast you could scream. Etc...
  • New ring enchantments: "Vigor" (unlimited stamina), "Calmness" (cannot be panicked), and "Steadfast" (cannot be pushed back). Possibly merge these into a "Ring of the Statue", as individually they probably would not warrant use.
  • A more detailed NP system. Divide the NP category to different categories maybe? (Possibly similar to the "nutrition" features in the Playstation game Ehrgeiz)
  • There should be xmas lights in attnam when it's xmas.
  • Some antidote liquid in the inventory of priests
  • Books to learn spells
  • Pay phones. Probably some ideas needed on WHAT you could use them for. Naturally they would use a quantum magic displacement effect that happens between too violet crystals that have been cut in two. (Maybe you could call someone for science talk, possibly rigged to talk to the smartest/wisest person you can science talk with?)
  • There should be some ranged weapons other than thrown ones, such as bows and arrows, slings and stones, or darts and atlatls.
  • Things should catch on fire -- especially if you're using a burning sword or a wand of fireballs in a wooden room.
  • It's annoying not to be able to rest when panicked. You should be able to rest while panicked if you find a corner or dead end to hide in.
  • Kiwis from carnivorous plants should grow up to be carnivorous plants when dropped.
  • You should be able to whip slaves. That disable his panic state.
  • A special level with ants running from stairs up to stairs down. They should apply swarming techinques.
  • Guns possibly
  • Athaburk's Teleport shop A few items in stock and new are teleported to the place when purchases are made.
  • Corpses leaving bones after being eaten/rotting away
  • Butchering: ala Crawl. Could also yield lumps of material if you happen to find a nymph, ommel, dragon, troll, etc. in addition to bones and lumps of flesh.
  • Canning lumps of food, making items from lumps of material, or other uses for those random "lumps".
  • Dragon lairs in the wilderness: rare, two-level cavernous dungeons with a 2x2 or 3x3 powerful dragon and lots of treasure on the second level
  • More repair shops in Attnam: carpenter, mason, jeweler. Possibly repair shops could sell some quality items of their type, e.g. ruby spears at the jeweler, etc.
  • Appearance: a hidden stat (or two) that affects how monsters and people react to you, modified by your equipment and liquids splashed on you. (Bloody people tend to be scary when you're in a dark dungeon.) More details on page 1 of the Ideas thread.
  • A special location for the Gods, wherein if you're in high enough standing with them, you can go and have a cup of tea with a bunch of angels and stuff. Or blood, or Divine Manna, or whatever.
  • Applying weapons in directions, to smash open a locked chest or break down a pesky door or wall. At least, using pickaxes in this way...
  • Weapon skills determine a "title." For example, being heavily skilled in small blades could give you the title of "Blademaster" and my theory for the skill progression with axes would be this: woodcutter, lumberjack, lorax whacker, paul bunyan. (Idea borrowed from the Half-Life mod Master Sword)
  • Allow custom text-triggered sound scripting likened to ADOMBOT. Include in the base package a set of rudimentary sound effects like the more recent Angband variations, with an existing sound.cfg file to allow users to use whatever custom sound effects they want; they just need to place the files in the sound folder and edit the sound.cfg. The script could look something like:

"You have hit" [hit1.wav, hit2.wav, hit3.wav] and variables can be included, "Your * * is severed off!" [humanseverpain1.wav, humanseverpain2.wav, humanseverpain3.wav].

  • Ice Stones, the objects Ice Golems drop when they die, should melt over time and turn into water; one should be able to place an ice stone, possibly with the dip command, into an empty bottle or can, and after a certain amount of turns, it should become water.
  • The player should be able to use the chat command to talk to people on the other side of a window.
  • The idea of pressure-based mines is a good one - instead of having them detonate automatically, the player should be safe so long as he or she stands on the mine.
  • Each mine should be assigned a certain weight tolerance. After it has been stepped on, a mine should detonate the very moment the pressure < weight tolerance - a clever or desperate player might be able to drop most of their items, and I say most in the interest of balance and challenge, to avert the explosion. If for any reason an item is removed from the mine causing the pressure to be less than the ideal weigh tolerance, the mine should explode.
  • By holding down the alt button in combination from an number on the number pad, it would be nice for the player to be able to target specific areas of an enemy's body. Holding down alt + 8 would target the head, alt + 7 would be left/right foreleg/arm, et cetera. Naturally, the player shouldn't automatically be able to hit the area - make each specific area specifically more difficult to hit than the torso, noticeably so. Then, perhaps on top of it, a 50% chance of hitting another area by accident.
  • Perhaps the possibility for multiple limbs on NPCs could be programmed in - it may be difficult to achieve, but it would make creatures like hydras with multiple and functioning heads be an interesting possibility. As well as octopus like tentacled creatures.
  • The ability to apple normal axes - they would be effective at cutting doors, chests, trees and other wooden objects (dependent on strength).
  • The ability to apply hammers - they could break items on the floor and work like a kick.
  • If you apply the hammer, following the prevoius suggestion, to a diamond or gem, you could get a powder that, when dipped into water, would make a liquid of some sort. When drunk, this would cause massive internal bleeding (this method of suicide is still popular in India and parts of Pakistan).
  • If you throw a bottle of water at an npc, or get covered by the water yourself, lightning and electrical attacks should do a little bit more damage.
  • Temperature. It could determine your ability to act i.e. attack,move... low temperature could cause some sickness which could cause death and high temperatures something similiar. It could also affect some items like food,potions,corpses... food will last longer on low temp. and rot faster at high temp. Also spilling some cool (low temp.) liquids on object would result in decrease of temp.
  • Your hit points ought to be influenced by the strength stat of your limbs, not just by the endurance stat, or the type of material for artificial limbs. I'd imagine that huge bulks of muscle would harder to dissect than some macaroni limbs. Also, maybe torso could get a few extra hit points from really stout arms and similarly your groin could benefit from those tree trunk legs you've been working for.
  • Maybe the existence of wands that are capable of changing the weather would be a nice change - a wand of rain, a wand of snow, or whatever, so that you can conveniently wash off any vomit, acid or fluids that you don't really want bothering you. If weather doesn't already do it, program it in so that it does. Why not?
  • What about bows crossbows javelots shurikens boomerangs and all other range weapons...
  • Make Explosions a bit less powerfull
  • Puppy, wolve, jackal... should be attracted by blood
  • Dogs grow into war dogs, and breed like mutant rabbits. Kenny could become pack leader instead of lunch.
  • Make a bank that you can use... and rob!!!
  • How about footprints appearing on the floor if you walk around while your boots are adequately smeared in various fluids, like blood or acid. The stuff you walk on should also stick to yuor feet and boots. For expample stomping on a kobold carcass should reward you with hardened leather boots covered in blood.
  • How about applying scroll of harden material on your limbs. If then your Int > Str, or something, you could get +1 str.
  • Ommel vomit: Hoping for +2 Endurance +2 Charisma +2 Strength, you drink it... and you die a few turns later, unless you have a very high grade acid resistance. Muahahaha... -By Z
  • Wand of Sleep. Amount of time spent asleep depends on intelligence. If broken, it knocks you and everyone around you unconscious. --Planetary 02:36, 18 December 2006 (GMT)
  • Amulets and rings can be changed into food materials and eaten for a temporary intrinsic, becoming permanent if somehow several pieces are eaten

Interface ideas

  • Search for stairs up and down for look mode
  • when your going (with g) the hero should follow tunnels when they turn

More specific ideas