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Phalanx Magnetic Arms has a long-term contract for the production of the majority of the personal weapons used by the Orion Alliance navy. Individuals are allowed to provide their own weapons, though they must show proficiency with standard-issue weapons before passing initial training.

All weapons produced by Phalanx use magnetic pulses to accelerate muntions down a magnetically-sealed vacuum within the barrel of the weapon. This allows for a substantial muzzel velocity, in addition to the ability to operate in a vacuum. The magnetic method also allows for a higher rate of fire, as multiple rounds can be accellerating within the barrel simultaniously. The low sound emmission is an added bonus for missions where stealth is important.

AR-12 "Athena" assault rifle

The AR-12 is a favored weapon amoung most shipboard security and marine troops due to it's reliability and accuracy. With three fire modes (semi-automatic, 3-round burst, and 5-round burst) ammo efficiency is increased and recoil is reduced. Scope attachments are available when required.

M4B "Apollo" pistol

While it lacks the stopping power, range, and accuracy of the AR-12, the M4B is a useful backup weapon with low recoil and substantial clip size. This weapon is popular with officers and special-operations marines as a concealable sidearm.

TT-23 "Artemis" light sniper rifle

While not as powerful as it's bigger cousin, the TT-23 boasts a significantly higher effective rate of fire and larger ammo cartriges, making it a more common choice by marines. It is effective up to a range of approximately 5.2 KM and is capable of penetrating many forms of common personal armor.

U2Y13 "Ares" portable machine gun

Deadly powerful, and with a prodigious rate of fire, the Ares is capable of producing copious fully-automatic destruction in a short period of time. Powered by a micro-fusion reactor and cooled by liquid nitrogen, and fed by a disintegrating belt of boxed ammunition, one of the few weaknesses of this weapon is that the incredible rate of fire produces so much recoil that firing the weapon while standing is virtually impossible. However, this is somewhat countered by it's incredible 10,000 round per minute firerate and the stopping power of it's 9.22mm bullets.

PK37 "Poseidon" heavy sniper rifle

The grand-daddy of all sniper rifles, this is the choice when you absolutely must eilimate a target. While it is cumbersome, and has an amazingly powerful recoil, it's muzzle velocity exceeds Mach 6, and it has an effective range of more than 100 KM. It's scope has a variety of modes, including infrared, and even a form of "x-ray" scanning. Phalanx produces two types of ammuntion for the PK37: Triton and Lancer rounds. Tritons are specially designed to expel nearly their entire kinetic energy upon impact, devastating most targets, including some armored targets. The effect on infantry is particularly noteworthy, due to the moral shock caused by literally exploding an infantryman in the midst of his comrades. The Lancer rounds, on the other hand, are designed to penetrate through various obstacles. During testing Lancer rounds were found capable of penetrating as much as 38 feet through solid military-grade titanium. Unfortunately, Poseidon rifles are almost mythical with in the actual OAN; incredible manufacturing costs for both the weapon and ammuntion means they are deployed only on very rare occasions.