Shield of Fire Resistance

The Cathedral of Attnam > Tips, Tricks, and Secrets

#1 Nov 15, 2017, 4:55 pm Hide


Could this be an item? Having more magical shields might help improve shield-user viability. We have (and have had) the Acid Shield, but I typically pass it up since I don't want to melt swords that I might want (or at least want to sell).
#2 Nov 15, 2017, 5:01 pm Hide


I don't see why not, especially if we can make it so the shield can "block" explosions. Though people might complain there's too many elemental resistance items to choose from.
#3 Nov 15, 2017, 5:08 pm Hide


I think rings, amulets and cloaks are quite enough. IVAN doesn't have nearly enough content to have anything and everything come with extra features like Elona. Shield use needs a complete overhaul to make it useful in its own right, not just latched onto another mechanic.
#4 Nov 15, 2017, 7:49 pm Hide


Valid points. I withdraw the suggestion... for now.

Trouble is, there hasn't really been any strong, convincing ideas on *how* to overhaul shields (and "heavy" builds in general). There have been a few ideas tossed around, sure, some better than others. But I don't know that we have had a strong, straightforward, generally-accepted one yet.
#5 Nov 15, 2017, 8:45 pm Hide


I think adding the ability to shield-bash an enemy and stun/knockback would be enough to make them more appealing.
It would be implemented in the same way as artifact weapon effects - a small chance per combat turn, weighted based on the player's skill with shields.

With the newer projectile-throwing enemies, the ability to block those projectiles with a shield would also be a bonus.
#6 Nov 16, 2017, 1:49 am Hide


There's been more than enough good ideas thrown about to overhaul shields. The biggest problem is that since shields are defensive equipment, any changes need to go hand-in-hand with armour balancing, which is enough of a headache in itself.
#7 Nov 16, 2017, 9:27 am Hide


I think the shields issue could be solved by adding a 2 weapon penatly or changing 2 weapon mechanics somehow to make it less overpowered. Perhaps making the ASTR required to wield a second weapon much higher?