SSS quest (Supreme Silverised Sword Stuff)

The Cathedral of Attnam > IVAN Development

#1 Dec 21, 2021, 9:28 pm Hide


You probably thought it was Fejoa or Red-Kangaroo posting stuff, but it was actually me, the newcomer! Sorry to burst your bubble, I know I've been kinda just been popping around everywhere, but perhaps you'll appreciate what I'm about to say. With the end of the year approaching, I've finally gotten some free time to try my hand at actually coding. Boy, is it tough... but I'll use this topic to show my developments for the city/dungeon/other stuff I started planning in the quest I made. I'm posting here to see if the stuff I make seems nice and reasonable, and also add to this thread with progress:

So, if you take a look at the first picture, you'll see the base of a pretty large, generic mansion. The floor is made out of expensive carpet, to show off the vast wealth of one of Mellis's patrons. Sapphire Floor represents doors, Silver represents walls (which I might keep that way ), octiron is for items, and dark-gold is for people. We have a storage area (top left), a dwarf room (bottom left, explosive surprise there, huh?), a guard room (next to the dwarf room), a main room, with the main guy at the center surrounded by probably genies eventually, a bedroom (top right), a pet room (see water), and an treasury (bottom) right. Not half bad. (Note: This is not the actual structure, as that many gems would be too valuable, but the distinct colors is good for reference)

In the second picture we have the town. I very much like the center, but hate the outside. The way I'm planning for it to go is just a line of peddlers selling a variety of stuff, like a bazaar, or an agora, or... an Ernomouse Equipment Emporium . I liked the latter the best, so I've called it the marketplace/emporium. Outside of that I've placed some simple houses and a pool, but since the current code doesn't allow me to place rooms randomly inside rooms, I can only go with these pretty awful generic 9x4 felt tents . I've very open to suggestions on what to put there.

There it is. It's a fully functioning area as of now, and I've used the house_on_the_steppe default (wiki was a great help), so it does correctly place on the map. More work will follow this post, starting with decorations and actual walls, then a new team. Remember to please, please, offer feedback on what I should and shouldn't do.
#2 Dec 23, 2021, 6:58 am Hide


Nice work! And yes, making a location takes quite a long time.

You cannot place rooms within rooms, but you could make the upper and central parts be two separate rooms, and then let the game place several random "tents" around them. Once you get to decorations, there are various trees and things you can place around to make a nicer-looking area.
#3 Dec 23, 2021, 7:08 am Hide


Good work so far, keep it up Silver. Looks like it has the makings of the city of Bazaria.
#4 Dec 23, 2021, 9:03 pm Hide


fejoa wrote
Good work so far, keep it up Silver. Looks like it has the makings of the city of Bazaria.

Huh, that's just a coincidence . I guess I just thought a trader's town would be nice, so good on me for copying the devs. Speaking of copying, with a little yoinking here and there and everywhere, we got some decorations and actual walls! Simple stuff, but items will be next, as it's kinda hard to see in there without wizard mode -_-. I'll also eventually add some scenary, an outdoor pond would be nice. (See pic 1)

red_kangaroo wrote
Nice work! And yes, making a location takes quite a long time.

You cannot place rooms within rooms, but you could make the upper and central parts be two separate rooms, and then let the game place several random "tents" around them. Once you get to decorations, there are various trees and things you can place around to make a nicer-looking area.

I hate you (Joking mostly). Why, why must you come up with a brilliant idea after I set up everything. Well actually, creating two different rooms was quite easy, and the random rooms alongside it took mere minutes. The problem was the city wall that every city (except Aslona, but I don't have a moat) had, because a room can only have one wall, so creating a whole city wall wouldn't join up properly whatsoever. So I racked the depths of my brain-and freaking hard-coded it. My code is a mess. Well, we now have a town with randomized tents inside. A hollow victory .(See Pic 2)
#5 Dec 23, 2021, 11:09 pm Hide


Looking good. Keep it up.
#6 Dec 25, 2021, 5:14 pm Hide


Roadblock. I tried creating a new team (adding the same name to define and dungeon), but whenever I tried opening up IVAN it wouldn't even load up the starting screen. Am I missing some vital piece of code needed to make a new team? Other team defaults in the city work, and I've been able to add individuals on those teams without problem.

Side note: Happy Atavus Day! I wanted to say something in the shoutbox, but with all the veterans there, I felt it would be insulting for a newbie to say such things, so here I am instead.
#7 Dec 25, 2021, 10:34 pm Hide


The shoutbox isn't some exclusive club. Shout away!
#8 Dec 26, 2021, 1:58 pm Hide


Yeah, I use it too much for non-important stuff a lot.