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Posted by chaostrom, Oct 27, 2016 at 1:21 am
The preview button for making threads seems to be broken.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 26, 2016 at 2:56 am
Fountains aren't even that common though, and quite often they're dry after a few drinks. I like to risk it on UT.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 25, 2016 at 1:34 am
Aha, that list is from the end of the Greatboards era I believe.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 23, 2016 at 11:36 pm
capristo wrote
we should totally rename that flag to IS_ERNOMOUSE as a dev easter egg

Random chance for statue to turn into a mouse statue?

Serin-Delaunay wrote
Giving NPCs parasites isn't much use, according to my reading of the code they can't die of starvation, faint from hunger, or even lose stats from nutrition states.

The parasites still do damage, if I remember aright.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 23, 2016 at 1:25 am
If the enemies turned into statues though, would they block your way, or would they be turned into really heavy items?
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 22, 2016 at 3:19 am
Ischaldirh wrote
Would be even more useful if you could dump those pesky and ubiquitous bottles of sulfuric acid out.
Regarding that, Mellis will swap out broken bottles. You can throw all your useless potions against a wall and break them.

Regarding the topic however:

Dulcis is the goddess of love and art. The love part is obvious, the taming, but I feel you can extend that theme and have her gift you pet related items. Scroll of golem creation, scroll of taming, magical whistle. I also feel there's a lot of potential with the art element however, especially with all the random useless items already in the game. Have a gem/crystal stone and a stick but RNG screwed you over on weapons? Why not have Dulcis put them together into a spear? Why not combine that useless acid bottle with a stick to create a wand of acid rain? Dulcis could be a great support.

I feel Sophos could have a greater variety as well. Enemies already have equipment teleportation, it's not as though we'll need to code it. Also, if you piss off Sophos you start getting teleported into pieces. As in, you literally have chunks of your flesh teleport off your body. This is another thing that's already in-game. I feel these would make Sophos much more interesting to pray to. Simply teleporting away is something that's already available to the player.

Silva is easily the most useless of the gods. The earthquake is more of a nuisance than anything, it basically teleports chunks of the wall around that'll destroy anything it lands on, and the wolves are, at best, meat shields. On the flip side, ways to improve Silva are too numerous to list. IVAN being down to earth as it is, a good portion of the game's contents are nature related and can be associated with Silva. It's just a matter of finding things that are both interesting and useful, without being too much so.

Scabies is somewhat interesting, but just not worth praying to currently. Random polymorph? Too much of a gamble. Splash poison on enemies around you? Too weak! Leprosy? No thanks. We need to add some other prayer effects that are still risky but worth it. Why not diseases that'll inflict confusion, or severe vomiting? Flesh-eating bacteria, necrosis, paralysis, there's a whole host of nasty things we can use. The other thread says there's too much healing, Scabies is the ideal candidate to force the player to down that stockpile.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 21, 2016 at 6:40 am
No, we don't want to force people to play chaotic characters for regenerative options. If we change healing potions to not do that, then the only other option is the rare wand. Also, making people rely more on artificial limbs from prayers is also counter-productive to anyone wanting an all-natural limb challenge if the very act of keeping all-natural limbs is harder. The biggest issue here is the stockpiling, which mostly comes down to Mellis being too damn generous. I think we should be looking at him instead of the base mechanics.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 20, 2016 at 1:46 am
capristo wrote
Yeah I think the problem is not lack of history, it's just nobody wants to go to the effort of searching that history.

Anyways sorry for the off topic, I have some ideas on how to make this better and will work on them

I also apologise for the constant off topic conversation, but IRC did in fact have a history that we often did search and save whole chunks of, there's also a whole lot of stuff we copied to the forum (albeit they're all in the spam section). The real problem was that the history was so often broken.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 19, 2016 at 3:32 pm
capristo wrote
I wonder if forums are just inadequate. Too slow / too bulky with everyone's avatars and sigs, etc.
maybe each topic should have a live discussion or something

This is what the IRC was supposed to be for.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 16, 2016 at 6:16 am
Why not open the mushroom level for everyone? Have a side quest from New Attnam that opens to the mushroom level.