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Posted by chaostrom, Sep 13, 2016 at 1:13 am
Welcome back old friend!
Posted by chaostrom, Sep 4, 2016 at 3:00 am
Should be fine. Let's not forget, the game will compensate for that permanent state.

... Alternatively, how about tweaking how fast the game adapts to it? Do we know? Is it instant the moment you go to a new floor and it generates monsters, or does it happen over time? The original comment implies it's not instant. Might be interesting if acquiring a permanent state makes the game force the player into a play-style based around said state.
Posted by chaostrom, Aug 31, 2016 at 12:41 am
While true, it seems unnecessary to put in an entire mechanic that only gets used in one or two circumstances. Personally, I think we should simply deal 1HP head damage accompanied by a message saying you're running out of air or something. That can be a quick fix until we work out whether or not this "breathing" mechanic is something we want, along with where and how it's going to be used.
Posted by chaostrom, Aug 31, 2016 at 12:33 am
You enjoyed making that post, didn't ya.
Posted by chaostrom, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:55 am
The answer to me seems simple.

So long as you hold the Skull of Xinroch, dark knights and evil spellcasters will obey you without question. This gives you easy passage back, or the option to head that army and return to Attnam and rescue the imprisoned necromancer. Victory can be declared upon entering the catacombs, or if that's too easy, upon freeing the necromancer then exiting Attnam.

Also, I don't see how Shadow Veil will be too OP. Even if you're hiding in the walls, you're still subject to spells, and it won't protect you from being attacked if you're next to an enemy. Seems to me that 0 AV will balance out the ethereal nicely.
Posted by chaostrom, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:41 am
fejoa wrote
Should be able to use a tame priestess of Silva and a saddle to get to Attnam.

Though I'm sure everyone would like to ride the priestess, there's no need to go all Elona on us.
Posted by chaostrom, Aug 28, 2016 at 12:12 am
So, I had an idea.

Normally Xinroch uses a sword and shield; red_kangaroo suggested having him dual wield as in the story. Except since the story is based on the game I had one of them become lost.

I also made a suggestion that for additional length we could have another dungeon.

Well, what if the additional dungeon was in pursuit of Xinroch's final form, and the final form has the other flaming sword? We can make it an artifact to reward players for beating Xinroch once and for all.
Posted by chaostrom, Aug 27, 2016 at 11:59 pm
You know what this means? Do you?!

It means swimming is a divine ability derived from gods.
Posted by chaostrom, Aug 26, 2016 at 12:53 am
As stated above, the player learning to swim is redundant right now. That said, I can see some potential in letting the player swim if we make underwater levels possible, with diving/surfacing acting as descend/ascend stairs.
Posted by chaostrom, Aug 2, 2016 at 11:28 pm
Well, I tried when my internet was particularly bad.

I can't even log in to skype lol. Just go ahead without me.