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Posted by Zayre, Apr 7, 2008 at 9:31 am
Batman? wrote
If they are instruments of their various gods, why are they out to get the player?

To convert the player, they believe they must be killed in the name of their god. Because the player can know more then one god, they aren't a true believer. So... Conversion in the form of a bloody, violent explosion.
Posted by Zayre, Apr 3, 2008 at 10:23 am
What about the introduction of a special new island, in which you can only access by levitating, or a boat? Like there are special exotic characters, enemies, and weapons. For example... The area in which Banshees, and the like exist. Genies, think of it as an Arabian area.
Posted by Zayre, Apr 3, 2008 at 10:17 am
Should I post all of my tips and details from the other topic in here now?
Posted by Zayre, Apr 3, 2008 at 10:16 am
Swords, sharp objects, etc, even when turned into a cloth material, or even flesh, will still cut. Don't eat that +16 Justifer of Banana Flesh just yet!

Perception is also used in Dodge and Blocking.

Oree has the only source of Pepsi in the entire game.


The other portal (The blue one?) is the entrance to another Realm, Oree's Realm, or even Earth! This, can explain how Oree gets Pepsi.

The Blue Portal states that IVAN continues in either another realm, or to Oree's realm. This means, you can get a chance to continue on in even more difficult areas.
Posted by Zayre, Mar 24, 2008 at 1:50 am
1 - A Giant Slime enemy that vomits smaller slimes. Name it Blob, and make it speak french!

2 - The Dullham. Comes in Male and Female Varieties. A armored humanoid that has armor that can't be removed from itself unless its broken off. The best part however, is it's head. It can survive, even if it's head is sliced off. The head feels what the body feels, and vice versa. Destroy the head, the Dunham will die. Destroy the body, and the Dunham is nothing but a severed head, that talks. They will attach it's head back to it's body, if they can, and will protect it.

3 - The Attnamatons in IVAN.

These ideas were brought to you by Sophia. ^^
Posted by Zayre, Mar 17, 2008 at 11:04 am
I'll not only help, I'll try to make some art! I'm not too good at design, but I sure as hell can try.
Posted by Zayre, Mar 17, 2008 at 9:54 am
Whoa, whoa. Romance of the Three Kingdoms? You sir have my support. Someone with taste! Change!
Posted by Zayre, Mar 17, 2008 at 9:44 am
Metal Whips are generally less powerful then a whip made of cloth or hair. Its technically a batton, or a fencing foil.

A wet whip does slightly more damage.

Search for a runed whip. Runed whips typically do more damage, but are rarer to come by. They do weigh alittle more as well.

LIVAN 0.99 has a strange lag time. It lets you pay more attention, but as your perception goes up, you can lag more.

Its possible to use Vomit as a deadly weapon. DEADLY WEAPONNN!!!
Posted by Zayre, Feb 23, 2008 at 2:33 pm
Turok can still hit you, if it explodes. You would be wise to have your wands in a container, and your scrolls as well... Otherwise, you get raped!
Posted by Zayre, Feb 10, 2008 at 12:02 am
You can only use Axes or Blunt weapons or Spears.
You can only wear a belt. (Loincloth?)
You must attack without cease. Fierce.
As a berserker, you are uneducated. You can't read.
As a berserker naturally doesn't mind it's wounds, you can not heal. You can only heal by resting.
Don't run from a fight. Ever.