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Posted by Ighalli, Feb 17, 2016 at 11:22 pm
4zb4, awesome!

You can use GIMP to open, edit, then "Export As... -> ZSoft PCX image". I recommend taking the original explosions in Symbol.pcx (just click Raw to download) and simply rearranging the palette such that the yellows are #192-207 and the greys are 208-223. You can do that by opening the file in GIMP and going to "Colors->Map->Rearrange Color Map..." and dragging them around. You should then go through all the original yellow and greys in that file that aren't explosions to make sure they're not in those high color ranges. For an explanation of why you might want to rearrange a color map, take a look at this explanations of colors in IVAN.

Alternatively, you could use ImageMagick to write a few commands to recolor the explosions so that they use the colors in the special bands or to rearrange the palette. That's somewhat more advanced, but you can find examples of the commands to accomplish most anything in ImageMagick with a bit of Googling.

This will solve this note about M-colored explosions in the old developer notes on graphics, which is pretty nice to cross off.
Posted by Ighalli, Feb 17, 2016 at 8:20 pm
Right now lanterns produce a 5 damage explosion fireball. I added the ability to make explosions only deal fire damage instead of 1/2 fire + 1/2 physical. Wands of Fireballs and lanterns are the only place that's used. The ignition points strike me as pretty high, since much of the time a creature will die before it's equipment ignites. Looks like giant plants (ignition value 3.5) should be able to burn from lanterns, after we add that, so maybe it's about right. Maybe banana peels and other wet things should get a level of FR. I'd like to come back to lanterns and make them spill a flammable liquid and ignite that.

Anyone interested in making art for fireball type explosions? Something like the current explosion but redder? If some generous soul produces them, I'll add them. Or, we could take the longer term goal of making the explosion color palette variable.
Posted by Ighalli, Feb 13, 2016 at 11:51 pm
I just opened a PR to make lanterns ignite stuff. It works, in that breaking a lantern over a pile of stuff ignites that stuff, but it still needs some work. If someone could take a look, I'd appreciate it.

Posted by Ighalli, Mar 19, 2008 at 2:37 pm
To get through the autoconfigure/automake stuff, try this:

sudo make install

After ./configure, you'll have the Makefile which may need changed. When I did it, there were 2 errors involving scope operators. When I changed them, it compiled. My version is based on the CVS (only) and seg faulted when I left the village, so there is still more to be done...