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Posted by Iankill, Jul 21, 2009 at 7:01 am
Well i figured it out its just a config under the main whip with its default size volume and form modifier because with the original volume you needed close to 200 strength to use them and they did 12-17 damage.
whip /* meleeweapon-> */
DefaultSize = 210;
Possibility = 50;
WeaponCategory = WHIPS;
DefaultMainVolume = 500;
DefaultSecondaryVolume = 20;
StrengthModifier = 10;
BitmapPos = 32, 0;
NameSingular = "whip";
SecondaryMaterialConfig == EBONY_WOOD;
MaterialConfigChances = { 4, 75, 50, 25, 10; }
Roundness = 2;
FormModifier = 10; /* this is multiplied by MainMaterial's flexibility */
CanBeBroken = false;
AttachedGod = NEFAS;
WieldedBitmapPos = 160, 224;
EnchantmentPlusChance = 30;
FlexibilityIsEssential = true;
DamageFlags = SLASH;

DefaultSize = 230;
Possibility = 25;
DefaultMainVolume = 750;
DefaultSecondaryVolume = 50;
StrengthModifier = 20;
Adjective = "runed";
FormModifier = 20;
EnchantmentPlusChance = 20;
DefaultSize = 150;
Possibility = 25;
DefaultMainVolume = 200;
DefaultSecondaryVolume = 50;
StrengthModifier = 20;
MainMaterialConfig = { 4,BRONZE, IRON, STEEL, METEORIC_STEEL; }
MaterialConfigChances = { 4, 75, 50, 25, 10; }
Adjective = "chain";
FormModifier = 200;
EnchantmentPlusChance = 20;
Posted by Iankill, Jul 20, 2009 at 5:16 pm
I was thinking about adding chain whips to the game and I found two ways of doing it and would like to know which one you guys would find easier.
First would be adding a Chain material like iron chain, steel chain, mithril chain ect. in the material file and just use the normal whip class but adding a few more materials.
Or making a special whip item that has the flexibility multiplier changed by a lot so metal will actually work with them besides them just being impossible to use sticks of metal. also eventually adding flaming chain whips.
Posted by Iankill, Jul 20, 2009 at 5:08 pm
This post will be long and contain code
I believe i might be able to help you make the spade be able to dig like a pickaxe. I was going through the source today at work and I found the code for the pickaxe and by chance the code for the digging action.

truth pickaxe::Apply(character* User)
ADD_MESSAGE("%s is totally broken.",CHAR_NAME(DEFINITE));
return false;

int Dir = game:irectionQuestion(CONST_S("What direction do you want to dig? [press a direction key]"), false);

v2 Temp = game::GetMoveVector(Dir);
v2 ToBeDug = User->GetPos() + Temp;
if(Dir == DIR_ERROR || !GetArea()->IsValidPos(ToBeDug))
return false;

lsquare* Square = GetNearLSquare(ToBeDug);
olterrain* Terrain = Square->GetOLTerrain();

ADD_MESSAGE("Nothing to dig there!");
return false;

int RoomNumber = Square->GetRoomIndex();

if(!RoomNumber || Square->GetLevel()->GetRoom(RoomNumber)->CheckDestroyTerrain(User))
User->SwitchToDig(this, ToBeDug);
return true;
return false;
ADD_MESSAGE("%s is too hard to dig with %s.", Square->GetOLTerrain()->CHAR_NAME(DEFINITE), CHAR_NAME(INDEFINITE));

return false;
That is the code for applying of the pickaxe to a ground or a wall

ITEM(pickaxe, meleeweapon)
virtual truth Apply(character*);
virtual truth IsAppliable(const character*) const;

This is the code for the pickaxe and it calls the application of the pickaxe code when you try and dig something. Those are the only two places besides the items.dat file that the pickaxe is found so if you copy and paste that using spade instead of pickaxe it should work because the actual digging action has nothing to do with the pickaxe as things can be dug more than one way i.e kicking or explosives. I hope that helps but it might not. Also it was a pretty fun edit to play
Posted by Iankill, Jul 19, 2009 at 2:23 pm
Yeah thats what I thought he would do too, but he went crazy and tried to bite me. or it could have been i hurt one of his legs too much when i was zapping him with lightning.
Posted by Iankill, Jul 17, 2009 at 5:55 pm
i teleported him away and later decapitated him. this character also had three vermis' and a turox luckiest character i've ever had
Posted by Iankill, Jul 17, 2009 at 10:37 am
So I was fighting some shop guards because i accidently kicked their door in and they weren't happy but this one decided to drop his sword and pick up a second shield and try to bite me to death it didn't work out well for him.