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Posted by [Eire]MadHatter, Feb 26, 2014 at 4:20 pm
Also quoi leprosy, it's another good reason to wear whatever armor you can to cover all bodyparts. Leprosy transmits better through an attack on an uncovered limb

Interesting! O.O

I have learned though gameplay and some notes in the game that only one limb might have Leprosy,
So when it falls off you might be cured of Leprosy.
But if you reattach it you'll have Leprosy again and it might spread though your body.
I believe Silva cures Leprosy if you pray to her.

It's been ages since I've died because of Leprosy ruining my body and then some kobold pinking me to death with a balsa stick,
Mostly because I know how to deal with it.
When i first started Ivan i always thought antidote was only for poison and nothing more.
Posted by [Eire]MadHatter, Feb 26, 2014 at 6:46 am
My original thought behind duel shields was that the player would shield bash enemies,
That and the fact a shield is used as defence... I wondered how good defence would be with two shields.
Then I found out he kicked them because of unusable arms.

I stuck with it between I expected this:

If I kick an enemy away
He'd spend his turn walking back to me
I'd kick him again.
and He'd spend his turn walking back to me

Until he ether dies or panics and runs off.

Then I learned how agility or dexterity allows a character multiple moves per turn.

I soon died after finding out I caught Leprosy off a zombie and my legs fell off.
Posted by [Eire]MadHatter, Feb 24, 2014 at 9:45 am
The other day i came across a wand of cloning with 3 charges but was unable to clone a scroll of charging or scroll of change material.

How is it done?
tried cloning myself... [wand of mirroring does that.]
dropped the scroll on the ground and zapped it. [nothing but a wasted charge.]

How is it done?

I did a duel sheild run yesterday....
The second i lost one leg...i was basically done for. OVERLOAD!
Posted by [Eire]MadHatter, Feb 20, 2014 at 9:35 am
Very impressive.

So far I've only been able to get screamed apart by the Enner beast.......kill it from a far...wands......scroll of detect Material: Enner beast flesh.
How'd you get so many of the SOCM?

Wishing/buying and finding is the only way i seem to get ONE per life. ^^

Taming a guard....[never thought of that!]
Posted by [Eire]MadHatter, Feb 18, 2014 at 5:08 pm
what if after X amount of time shops stuff gets refilled and rolled?

I hate starving to death in shops because they only sell armour and no food.

Tons of gold pieces and lovely armour...but the human inside the armour is dying a slow and painful death because of a lack of nutrition..

god of nutrition Please help me I'm starving!
NO! [takes food from empty stomach]
you die!
Posted by [Eire]MadHatter, Feb 18, 2014 at 5:05 pm
I'd like to have a good mess with that location stuff add a few forests locations similar to say....hunting grounds.

I wandered onto the atheist gods land....starving I went and attacked the nearest animal only to be chopped into little pieces by invisible things as punishment for not silently starving to death.
Posted by [Eire]MadHatter, Feb 18, 2014 at 7:32 am
oh i know all about rusting.... -.-
One time i ate school food on overfed!

and emptyed my stomach onto my suit of lovely steel armour..

Slightly rusts.....rusts...very rusted....destoryed!
My own skin is tougher then you amo- stabbed...*Dies*
Posted by [Eire]MadHatter, Feb 17, 2014 at 1:16 pm
huehuehue I get it.

What about the size of the assassin.
have the same mass of a normal human but a higher agility/dexterity and smaller size.

Never came across those water balloons you've talked about....but a weapon [METAL] dagger of venom always rusts because it covers itself in poison.

the guy in the image above always has that problem. XD
Posted by [Eire]MadHatter, Feb 14, 2014 at 6:09 pm


It's no bug....but should assassins be a bit more beefy?

Now thats a fresh killed assassin he just died from my dagger of venom or it might of been my acid shield.
Ether way he died a horrible death

[don't worry assassin the game will soon enough send a overpowered champion to chop my into little pieces.]
Posted by [Eire]MadHatter, Feb 13, 2014 at 6:22 pm
Ommel bone as far as CLIVAN goes....

Ommel bone can be eaten by kenny the puppy.

had a bad experience today,
Dive into cave
Spot an "Ommel bone dagger of venom +3"
Awesome find!
Kenny eats the Ommel bone dagger of venom +3
Kenny finishes eating the Ommel bone dagger of venom +3
....Are you kidding me!?

*kicks dog*
Dog bites my head off.