would it be possible?


The Cathedral of Attnam > IVAN Variants

#1 Feb 26, 2009, 12:46 am Hide


To combine IVANT, LIVAN, and the other variations into one? Just wondering

I think that in order for a supervariant like that to be possible, you'd have to add more baddies that are more powerful than Sherry/ Oree. Otherwise it'd be too easy.
#2 Feb 26, 2009, 11:54 pm Hide


there has to be an invisible stalker king! Or a poltergeist!
#3 Feb 27, 2009, 6:01 am Hide


It is possible. I myself asked Z how it could be accomplished not too long after LIVAN was made.
#4 Feb 27, 2009, 7:20 pm Hide


As with all efforts to make IVAN better, the problem with this is that someone (preferrably one of the original devs, or an experienced programmer) is needed to actually do that. I think that's what SirReal was aiming for (although he did not include IVANT, only LIVAN and IVAN 3D), but sadly he stopped.

If the variants tend to make the game easier, some balancing will be required.