What i\'ve learned today


The Cathedral of Attnam > Tips, Tricks, and Secrets

#1 Nov 30, 2009, 1:43 am Hide


This topic is also on the dwarf fortress forums, and it had a pretty big impact of succes, not to mention it was really usefull, just mentioned that not to call a post rip-offer.

I've learned that artificial limbs can't get healed while resting, instead have them repaired with the craftsman in attnam, ( i wonder if you can repair them with scrolls?)

Also when i use the horn of terror it says "the horn echoes a sharp sound like a scream" - which is kinda creepy if you ask me ...

Don't double post. ~Somagu
#2 Nov 30, 2009, 2:41 am Hide


Yes, scrolls of repair fix limbs. The horn of terror makes monsters nearby run away.
#3 Nov 30, 2009, 11:00 am Hide


Don't get this post wrong, it's not what I myself specificly learned, it's what we all just noticed that it's funny or usefull or weird...
#4 Nov 30, 2009, 11:06 pm Hide


No offence, but we do have a thread for this already.
#5 Dec 3, 2009, 9:48 am Hide


Oh, sorry then, i get a bit too enthusiastic now and then and that's when the postings happen.