Package for Ubuntu 11.04

The Cathedral of Attnam > Other Coding

#1 May 21, 2012, 6:33 pm Hide


Hi everyone, I took the bugfix I made to the original source and made a package that anyone can use to install IVAN in Ubuntu, without having to compile the source or apply patches. Maybe it'd also be useful as an example for those who'd like to do similar packaging for their IVAN variants.

Next I'll try and get it accepted into the main Ubuntu software source, so more people can play and download it more easily. For now, here's my PPA for anyone who'd like to play or test original IVAN ("CVS"):


#2 May 22, 2012, 1:22 pm Hide


dlbeswick wrote
Next I'll try and get it accepted into the main Ubuntu software source, so more people can play and download it more easily. For now, here's my PPA for anyone who'd like to play or test original IVAN ("CVS"):

Great stuff Beswick. Good focus on continuing world domination plans for IVAN. Using CVS is great since it is the most recent version the original devs put out and is relatively stable.

#3 May 22, 2012, 6:23 pm Hide


Haha thanks Warheck, aren't you nice with your warm welcomes and encouragement!

I did figure CVS was the best option, after playing it the differences from 0.50 didn't seem to make a big difference to the game, to me. I'll be glad to get more people interested in the game.

If anyone happens to try the package and has any problems with it, please post away.