Linux binaries?

The Cathedral of Attnam > General IVAN Discussion

#1 Apr 15, 2021, 2:26 am Hide


I'm not running Linux all the time and compiling the game from scratch is not out of the question but why aren't there any Linux binaries? Like a nice .deb for Ubuntu and its variants. Even a snap or flatpak would suffice.
#2 Apr 15, 2021, 3:18 am Hide


That's a good idea, for sure. I think the only reason there are no Linux binaries is we never tired to make them.
#3 Apr 7, 2023, 7:10 am Hide


Have you guys ever made Linux binaries since then? I just got a Linux laptop and I want to run it but not sure how
#4 Apr 8, 2023, 6:36 am Hide


Yeah this would be nice to have a Linux binary. Just thinking, someone identified themselves as a maintainer of the ivan Arch Linux package before:

There's a link in there to that package:

Looks like they ran into a build issue on gcc, so that's why they not running 0.59?
There's probably a straightforward fix for that.

I guess a lot of folk are running Debian-based Linux flavours, so we could work on a package for that?