Item Drops

The Cathedral of Attnam > General IVAN Discussion

#1 Mar 23, 2012, 7:52 am Hide


Im not sure if its in the variants, but would anyone like to see random item drops in the game? Meaning the randomly generated monsters have a chance of having a wand or scroll or potion in their inventory? It is annoying that there are in effect a finite number of scrolls and wands in the game, it would be helpful if occasionally a slain kobold dropped a random scroll. Not that IVAN is designed to be helpful.

I would also like to see monsters of a certain level be able to use wands, it would make for a whole lot of new painful ways to die, and make equipment mangagment much more interesting.
#2 Mar 23, 2012, 11:52 am Hide


I programmed a few humanoid characters to use wands in CLIVAN. If you come across a goblin warlock, he will zap you with one of Teleportation, door creation and acid rain (finally a use for wand of acid rain). He has all three in his inventory.

I don't know if it was totally crash-proof, I don't know what happens when an npc wand-user tries to zap with both arms severed.
#3 Mar 23, 2012, 12:44 pm Hide


No, I personally would not like to see a kobold drop a fancy wand that he somehow did not end up using. Definitely not.
#4 Mar 23, 2012, 3:17 pm Hide


I'd much rather see monster limbs that can be used for a different purpose after they've been severed. For example, Necromancer heads having a few charges to resurrect some corpses.

That way you'd have to work for your nice drops.
#5 Mar 24, 2012, 9:32 pm Hide


There are a few random drops in the game. Mostly by mages.
#6 Mar 24, 2012, 11:39 pm Hide


Oh yeah, and them carnivorous plants and their kiwis.