Holy Hand Grenade


The Cathedral of Attnam > General IVAN Discussion

#1 Feb 16, 4:34 pm Hide


How does its damage compare to a large mine?
#2 Feb 21, 3:11 am Hide


Holy handgrenade has a fixed explosive power of 300, while a mine's total explosive power depends on the volume of its load and the load's explosive power:

Volume * MaterialExplosivePower / 1 000 000

A big mine has a load volume of 12500, and is normally filled with gunpowder with ExplosivePower = 15000. Therefore, a big mine has an explosive power of 188, or about 2/3 of a holy handgrenade.

Normal mine has a load volume of 5000, thus an explosive power of 75.

If a big mine was filled with neutronium, which has the highest explosive power in the game (ExplosivePower = 120000) but doesn't appear unless scripted in dungeon files, it would have an explosive power of 1500, or five times as powerful as a holy handgrenade.
#3 Feb 21, 12:18 pm Hide


Thanks! Question - are explosive materials able to be triggered when not inside of a mine? If for example I SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
SOCM a helmet into gunpowder
and hit it with a want of firedballs would it explode?
#4 Feb 21, 4:03 pm Hide


Ooh nice, thanks for the explanation RK. Did not realize the grenade was that much more powerful
#5 Feb 22, 2:30 am Hide


I felt the HHG was more powerful, but that was just from observation and I had nothing to back that up with.

However the second question I can answer. The answer is yes. After all, that's what makes the backpacks of gunpowder dangerous.
#6 Feb 22, 3:13 am Hide


Unfortunately, the answer is actually no.

Backpacks, mines and grenades share an Explode() method, but it's not a generic method for the item entity. I even have it on my TODO list to make the Explode() method generic and let everything go boom. I sadly didn't have much time for development in... the last two years? Goddammit.

But right now, if you SOCM a big chest into gunpowder and zap it, it will only burn but not explode. That's how I noticed that only certain items can explode, by trying to be clever and blow Petrus up with gunpowder chests.
#7 Feb 22, 6:38 pm Hide


Honestly that seems kind of exploit-y anyway.

Maybe we could just limit the maximum power so that nothing is more powerful than the holy hand grenade, but then you could still have fun turning random objects into bombs.
#8 Feb 22, 8:47 pm Hide


Hmm? I seem to recall making equipment made of gunpowder explode at some point though... Perhaps it was just an idea.
#9 Feb 29, 6:19 am Hide


Having more interactions like that would be very cool. Alchemist playthrough!