The Cathedral of Attnam > General IVAN Discussion

#1 Apr 6, 2010, 10:15 pm Hide


Is there any way to recover a character save file the moment you die?

I was in the dark level with a really promising character and wanted to try praying to Infuscor, only because I wanted to know how was my relation with her.. I was going to do that and then close the aplication from the task manager so the save file was not lost and then load the game. But unfortunately Infuscor made me uncouncious for a lot of time eventually dying..

Now I'm in the "do you want to see your inventory?" screen and I want to recover the file.

Please someone help me!!! I've been playing all the f***in day to get there and I simply can't die like that.
#2 Apr 6, 2010, 11:32 pm Hide


Unfortunately, the save/ load doesn't work like that.

Rather, when you load a game, the save file is deleted.

That character's gone. Best you can do is learn from the experience.
#3 Apr 7, 2010, 12:11 am Hide


Thanks for the reply.

I guess I'll have to live with it... but it was so frustrating, I mean, I shouldn't have died like that it's not like I tried to do something that went wrong, I was trying something knowing I was going to load afterwards. Stupid me I didn't backup.
#4 Apr 7, 2010, 8:48 am Hide


At least you didn't lose your best ever character to blue screen...

Curse you Bill!