A challenge game: Mysterion


The Cathedral of Attnam > General IVAN Discussion

#1 Sep 28, 2016, 9:40 am Hide


Keep Kenny with you through the entire game (and, preferably, alive). Don't leave him behind when you leave levels. If he dies, carry his corpse until you can resurrect him.

Bonus points if Kenny can kill Elpuri/Oree/Petrus/etc.

Named after Kenny's superhero alter ego in South Park.

Honestly, thinking about this, this seems like an exercise in tedium, since pets tend to run off occasionally...
#2 Sep 28, 2016, 1:25 pm Hide


If the player is obliged to resurrect Menchi at the earliest opportunity, it sounds like it would be dependent on cloning/mirroring as many wands as possible, and feeding it ommel bone chests to make it more survivable. Even with 100 endurance, it would be pretty easy for critical hits and frog spells to instakill it. In one game my ommel-bone-enhanced pet wolf Diefenbaker got killed by ZQ-29 twice.
Otherwise, the limiting factor is the time the corpse takes to rot, preferably when slowed. Resurrect it before the time runs out (and probably kill it again so it doesn't get lost).